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5 Minute Survey: Role of Trainers in e-Learning

TO: Learning and Training Colleagues
FROM: Elliott Masie, The MASIE Center
RE: 5 Minute Survey: Role of Trainers in e-Learning

What will be the role of a trainer or faculty member in an e-learning experience?
Please take a few minutes to complete our survey on this topic. Pretend to
be a learner in an e-learning situation and value the possible roles and
activities of an "on-line trainer"

Just go to:

If you have an internal distribution list and would like to forward
this request to your colleagues it will enrich and expand the data for
this survey.

An executive summary will be posted in a future edition of TechLearn Trends
and complete data will be available to subscribers of my Learning Decisions
Interactive Newsletter.

Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie

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