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171 - HP Funds 5 e-Learning Research Projects; Cell Phone Users Beware; $100,000 On-Line MBA Program?

1. HP Funds 5 e-Learning Research Projects: Hewlett-Packard Company today
announced it has awarded five research grants to academic institutions around the globe
to study how people learn in Net-centric environments:

* University of Texas at Austin/Norwegian University of Science and
Technology -- How adult learners acquire knowledge in Net-centric environments
* University of Oslo, Norway -- Models for integrating technology into problem-based learning
* University of Lige, Belgium -- Best practices in designing a Web-based curriculum
* Global Learning Center, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology -- Exploring the application
of mobile phones for e-learning
* India Management Association -- Effectiveness of e-learning among working adults.

The MASIE Center salutes HP's commitment to funding research in this area. We will bring you updates of the results of these projects in future TechLearn Trends articles.

2. Cell Phone Users Beware - Information Leakage and Digital Collaboration Manners:
The strangest things happen in the Digital Age. Here I was, minding my own business at Gate 27
in O'Hare Airport. A guy sits down next to me and whips out his cell phone. In a voice that could
be heard at Gate 28, he starts to negotiate a job change. All could hear him and none wanted to.
Especially me, since he was moving from one training company to a new e-learning venture, both
of which I know well. It got very uncomfortable when he started to talk about the client lists
"that I know I can bring with me". I tapped him on the knee, told him that he was talking about stuff
that he probably didn't want others to know about. Yet, he continued, and shifted into salary information
that we all could hear. When he concluded, I introduced myself and told him that he should think twice
about having these conversations on cell phones with a voice that booms. Lesson learned... Digital
Collaboration requires technology and common sense/customs. Digital Collaboration sometimes
gives us a false sense of privacy. We have to develop customs and habits that are community appropriate
as we develop new connectivity. Other lesson learned: you never know who is listening in an airport lounge!

3. $100,000 On-Line MBA Program?: A new joint venture from the London Business School
with the Columbia Business School in New York would create a global executive MBA. It would include
seminars in both New York and London as well as distance learning over the internet. The cost -
a cool $100,000 - makes it the most expensive MBA launched by London Business School and
probably the most expensive university course anywhere in the world. "It has an advantage over any
other MBA course in that it exposes the participant to two alumni networks, not just one," says Dean
John Quelch. The course is part of the LBS' attempt to develop distributed learning over the internet.

4. VH1 Save the Music Foundation Selected as Key Charity for TechLearn: We are proud to
announce that TechLearn 2000 + The World e-Learning CONGRESS, to be held in Orlando, Florida
in November have selected the VH1 Save the Music Foundation as our key Charity. The MASIE Center
will make a substantial donation from the proceeds of TechLearn to this innovative program that provides
musical instruments to schools. In addition, we will conduct an On-Line Silent Auction and ask participants
to bring used instruments to TechLearn to donate to the program. There will be a wide range of TechLearn
events, including a charity golf tournament sponsored by Centra and other events that will bring our
corporate support of this program to a substantial level. Information on TechLearn is found at
Information on Music in the Schools can be found at

Upcoming MASIE Center Event:
e-Learning 2000 Europe: Dublin, Ireland - July 10 and 11, 2000 Info at

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