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172 - Special Report from London, England - SmartForce Conference

Special Report from London, England - SmartForce Conference

1. e-Learning Called e-Learning Internationally?

Today, we will have only one item in TechLearn Trends. During the coffee
break this morning after my keynote at the SmartForce Conference in London,
the subject of translations of the term e-Learning popped up. There were
folks from 10 different countries around the world and they all reported
that e-Learning was used as the English version: e-Learning. I was curious
if any of them had translated e-Learning to their native language, or was it
one of the "internet age" terms that stayed in English.

The reporter from Sweden reported that e-Learning is how they are using it
his country, even though they are working hard to translate most terms to
their native language.

So, here is a request from The MASIE Center to our international readers.
If you are from a non-English speaking country, could you send me a quick
email to and let us know if you are using e-Learning in
your native language, English and any perspectives on the usage. I will
compile these and get them back out on Thursday with the next Trends.

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