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343 - Learning: From Scarcity to Abundance; Charity Auction

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Sept 11, 2005.
#343 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
50,854 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Learning 2005: Oct 30 - Nov 2 - Orlando, Florida.

1. Learning in the Age of Content Abundance.
2. Learning 2005 Charity Auction & PhD Student Scholarships.

1. Learning in the Age of Content Abundance: Things change dramatically when a learner feels Content Abundance vs. Content Scarcity. A few years ago, we were often teaching learners who felt a sense of scarcity. They often viewed our classes or e-Learning modules as the primary or only
solution to their information and knowledge needs. As the power of the
internet has extended, I have noticed a major shift from Scarcity to Abundance.

Many learners now feel information rich, or even overloaded. They know they can go to their search engine, type a few words and get an up to date list of links to knowledge resources. This is often viewed as better than the list of links that the classroom instructor hands out at the end of the class.

As we provide resources in the Age of Content Abundance, it becomes even more important for learning professionals to address these dimensions:

* Invitation - Emerging models for inviting specific learners to learn specific content - aligned to personal, project or performance motivational factors.
* Personalization - Emerging models for allowing the learner to perceive (and predict) an efficiency of getting to the "just right" content.
* Granularization - Emerging models for helping the learner gain access to smaller and more targeted sets of content.
* Sequence Options - Help our learners to take one of several sequences through the content, based on needs and priorities.
* Context - In the age of abundance, learners have easy access to loads of content. It is more difficult for learners to access "Context", the stories, best (and worst) practices and organizational realities.
* Performance Tools - Learners still want great job and performance tools.
Give them digital or plastic laminated Job Aids.
* Calibrating Expectations - Trainers and instructional designers should recognize that learners feel Content Abundance. We should acknowledge that this shift has occured for many of our learners. Our courses and language should help learners calibrate their expectations of how much of the needed knowledge will come from formal vs. informal learning.

Would love to hear from my colleagues on this topic. Send a note to

2. Learning 2005 Charity Auction - Items Sought: We will have a Charity Auction at Learning 2005 to benefit 3 groups:

- e-Learning for Kids Foundation.
- Tiger Woods Learning Center Foundation.
- Special Scholarship for a PhD Student focused on Learning for Emergencies.

We will have an on-line and in-person Charity Auction to raise funds for these three groups. I am looking for cool items that you or your organization would be willing to donate. If you have an item in mind, please go to and send me an email.
Thanks in advance. We will open this Auction in early October.

Upcoming MASIE Center Events & Services:
* Learning 2005 - Oct 30 - Nov 2 - Orlando - .
* Membership in the Learning CONSORTIUM - .

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