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342 - Back to School?, Learning Hybrid Innovations, RSS-Learn

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Sept 7, 2005.
#342 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
50,812 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Learning 2005: Oct 30 - Nov 2 - Orlando, Florida.

1. Back to School in September? Memories & Patterns.
2. Learning Hybrids: Innovations in Combinations.
3. Feeds for Learning: RSS-Learn Added to Learning 2005.

1. Back to School in September? Memories & Patterns: I have a confession to make. I really looked forward to the end of summer because it meant that soon school would start. My mom told me that I would sing "School Days are Coming" and get really excited about buying new supplies to start the year.

Well, my mental calendar year still is operating on the school year model.
As soon as Labor Day (first week of September in the U.S.) happens, my brain kicks in to "Back to School Mode". I even find a way to head to an office supply store and buy some new notebooks to help get the year off to a start.

As the calendar turns to September, there seem to be changes in corporate learning departments. The pace picks up and new projects start to emerge.
Request for Proposals get launched, new products from suppliers are announced and budgets for the new year get serious attention. One final confession. I miss putting "reinforcements" on the 3 hole lined paper.

If anyone else has a Back to School syndrome story, send me a note to

2. Learning Hybrids - Innovations in Combinations: The next wave of innovations in the learning world are likely to be "hybrids". New combinations of content styles, methods and technologies will yield interesting and powerful innovations. We are tracking technologies that are gaining popularity outside of the workplace (eg. SMS Text Messaging, GPS, Citizen Journalism, Mobile Devices, TIVO) along with new learning drivers (Compliance, Globalization, Personalization, Virtual Teaming).

Hybrid combinations of these elements will yield high potential learning innovations such as:

* Leveraging of RSS "Feeds" for Real Time Compliance and Knowledge Updating.
* Mobile Learning Models combining context data from GPS and the ability to locate appropriate colleagues or resources by profile and location.
* Communities of Preference models that allow for "sorting" of learning resources based on references from very specific groups of colleagues or customers.
* Video based PodCasts available in a juke-box format for in-class instructors to use to bring experts and perspectives into the classroom.
* Personal Learning Portfolios that can be built as one reads content on-line, clicking or dragging content for future in-depth learning.
* Learning Google on Steroids...extending the search capabilites to leverage metadata and personal learning styles.
* Digital Coaching...providing continuous presence coaching for new employees or workers in leadership development, including IP Video and daily "check-ins".

Watch for Learning Systems such as LMS, LCMS, Web Conferencing, Document Management, Video Conferencing and Talent Management to start addressing these Hybrid models. Each will require innovation to combine content, methods and technologies in creative ways.

3. "Feeds for Learning" - RSS-Learn Added to Learning 2005: I am convinced that "Feeds", the use of Really Simple Syndication (RSS) will become one of the very powerful and widely used new technologies. Unfortunately, RSS feels like and is talked about with high "geek" language and procedures.
RSS feels like the early days of the web when everyone needed to know HTML. But, that will quickly change.

Watch for Feeds for Learning to become a daily part of your work and learning process. There are changes coming in Browsers and Content systems that will make it easy to add a "Feed" or RSS indicator on any page of content. Your browser will indicate that a feed is available.
You will be able to select very personalized subscriptions to these feeds.
For example, you might select to get a regular feed on Shipping Regulations if you work in the Distribution Center. Anytime that one page of content changes, you will get a Feed notice to the device of your choice, including your mobile phone.

We have added a very exciting component called "RSS-Learn" focused on Feeds for Learning to our annual event, Learning 2005, to be held in Orlando from Oct 30 to Nov 2nd. RSS-Learn will include demonstrations, interviews and working examples of how learning professionals can leverage Feeds for Learning without much expense or training. Go to for information and registration.

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