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341 - Learning Currency - Green, Yellow or Red?; Color Picking - Web Advice for Design

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Sept 2, 2005.
#341 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
50,791 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Learning 2005: Oct 30 - Nov 2 - Orlando, Florida.

1. Learning Currency - Green, Yellow or Red?
2. Color Picking - Web Advice for Design.
3. "Talking to the Big Dogs" - Presenting Up.

1. Learning Currency - Green, Yellow or Red? What if a learner could display their learning status about an issue as Green, Yellow or Red? The color would indicate either their competency or comprehension about a specific topic. Or, it could indicate how "current" the knowledge is, as things change.

For example, if I were a medical professional, I'd love to have a chart of content topics that would evolve in colors as the knowledge evolved. If a drug interaction was discovered, the color of that might change from Green (knowledge current and competent) to Yellow (knowledge changing - updating
needed) to Red (danger - knowledge out-of-date).

I'd like to raise the issue of Learning Currency! As we develop more granular content, there is an opportunity for learners to receive or to indicate changes in the "currency" of learning on a very granular level.
Organizations could start to use content syndication, such as RSS, as a way of creating and updating individual Learning Currency Maps.

Let's kick this idea around. Send me some ideas, thoughts or reactions to

2. Color Picking - Web Advice for Design: The selection of colors for a website or e-Learning program is a mixture of both designer choice and personal preference. We discoverd a free interesting on-line color advice tool. Check it out:

3. "Talking to the Big Dogs" - Presenting Up. The next Audio, PodCast and Text Transcript Segment is now available. "Talking to the Big Dogs" is a short interview with Rick Gilbert, focused on the challenges of learning professionals presenting to the top level of executives in the organization. There are myths and challenges when asked to present to the "C" level of the organization. Rick Gilbert, who will be leading a series of skillshops at Learning 2005, details a practical approach:

Yours in Learning,

Elliott Masie

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