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346 - Learning Sandboxes, Spending Poll Results, Music Themes for Classes

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Sept 20, 2005.
#346 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
50,934 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Learning 2005: Oct 30 - Nov 2 - Orlando, Florida.

1. Learning Sandbox: Tool for Innovation - Free Audio/PodCast.
2. Flash Poll Results - Spending on Learning Per Employee.
3. Time to Develop a Course - Flash Poll.
3. Tips for Trainers: Class Music Theme.

1. Learning Sandbox: Tool for Innovation - Free Audio/PodCast: Innovation often requires the ability to experiment on a small scale, without consequences or huge costs. Here is a nine-minute segment on how to create a Learning Sandbox in your department to innovate with new models of e-Learning and Classroom training.

2. Flash Poll Results - Spending on Learning Per Employee: Here are the results of last week's Learning TRENDS Flash Poll on Annual Spending Per

What is the average annual training expenditure for employees in your organization (in U.S. Dollars)?
0 - 500 37%.
501-1000 24%.
1001-1500 14%.
1501-2000 10%.
2000-3000 9%.
More than 3000 6%.

What is the average annual training expenditure for employees in your IT organization (in U.S. Dollars)?
0-500 27%.
501-1000 25%.
1001-1500 15%.
1501-2000 13%.
2000-3000 12%.
More than 3000 8%.

Based on 731 responses in September 2005.

3. Time to Develop a Course - Flash Poll: Here is our next poll.

What is the average time to develop an e-Learning course? Go to:

4. Tips for Trainers - Class Music Theme: Ask your class, particularly a multiple day class, to choose a musical theme for the program. It takes just a few minutes and you can purchase one on-line at iTunes. I have done this with groups as small as 8 and as large as 3,000 at one of my conferences. They will pick something that energizes the group and also serves as a theme song. I play it after breaks and people will remember it for years.

Learning 2005 Update: We are sending a free book to every registered participant in Learning 2005. You should receive your hardcover edition of "Learning Rants, Raves and Reflections" via UPS in the coming week.
International attendees will pick theirs up at the event. There are over 1,400 of your colleagues attending. For more information and on-line

Yours in Learning,

Elliott Masie

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