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347 - JetBlue Training Soars, Design Perspectives, Community Engagement Devices

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Sept 22, 2005.
#347 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
50,955 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Learning 2005: Oct 30 - Nov 2 - Orlando, Florida.

1. Emergency Landing: JetBlue Training Soars!
2. Design Perspectives - Audio/PodCast with Brent Schlenker.
3. ASTD Relocates Spring Conference to Dallas.
4. Community Engagement Devices for Everyone.

1. Emergency Landing: JetBlue Training Soars! Last night, my wife and I held our breath as we watched a broadcast of the live emergency landing of a JetBlue plane in Los Angeles. It was an amazing and perfect landing.
It highlighted the competency and great training of both JetBlue and the pilot, Scott Burke.

Hundreds of hours of learning, simulation, assessment, teamwork and dedication to excellence create that level of competency. It saves lives and is a tribute to the great work of our colleagues at JetBlue!

2. Design Perspectives - Audio/PodCast with Brent Schlenker: We are expanding our audio/podcast/text transcript series with interviews of passionate learning colleagues participating at Learning 2005. Today's interview is all about Design Perspectives for Learning. Brent Schlenker is a learning professional with a high-tech company with strong opinions and views about the role of design, visuals and engagement. A 9-minute interview can be found at:

3. ASTD Relocates Spring Conference to Dallas: Our colleagues at ASTD were impacted by the disaster in New Orleans, the site of their 2006 international conference. However, there is good news. Tony Bingham, ASTD's President and CEO, asked me to pass along the information that they have relocated the ASTD Conference to Dallas, Texas from May 7th to 10th.

4. Community Engagement Devices for Everyone: What if every person at an event had a small engagement device that could help them interact with speakers and colleagues, and help steer the activities in real time? Well, the future is here. Each of the participants in Learning 2005 will have a two-ounce RF device that they will use thoughout the event. See the picture at:

So, imagine more than 1,500 people with the ability to vote, choose, react to and locate colleagues interactively. Here are some of the new ways in which we will be using these devices:

* Community Driven Keynotes: A few of our speakers will be creating their content in segments and the sequence and focus will be shaped in real time by the participants.
* Send Me a PDF: Anyone can request follow-up materials at sessions and poster stations by just pressing a button. (Each device is mapped to the participant's profile).
* In the Hallways Polls: There will be polling screens throughout Learning 2005 where you can indicate your passionate views on topics with these devices.
* Let's Discuss THAT: Go to one of our community spaces and define some short discussion topics with colleagues located near you.
* Task Force Sign-Up's: Join a working group of Learning Colleagues working on a key issue that is raised at one of our sessions. Just press the button to volunteer.
* Iron Learning Designer: Vote on the results of the Iron Learning Design Competition.
* Even for Fun: The group will define the Learning 2005 Theme Song and we will even take deploy them for our party at MGM.

MASIE Center Events and Services:
* Membership in the Learning CONSORTIUM - A coalition of 200 large companies working together to benchmark and innovate in the learning field.
* Learning 2005: October 30 - November 2 - Orlando, Florida.
Information at

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