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382 - SkyScout, Trends for CEOs, Presentation Performance Support

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Feb 21, 2006.
#382 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
52,193 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
LMS 2006 - April 6-7 - Las Vegas, NV -

1. SkyScout - Stars, GPS & Learning - Gadget For Elliott!
2. Presentation Performance Support.
3. CEOs Respond to 4 TRENDS.
4. LMS 2006 Adds 2 More Hotels.

1. SkyScout - Stars, GPS & Learning: The SkyScout, which will be released later this year, is a learning tool that I must have! You point this small handheld scope to the sky. It has a GPS which tells you with text or audio about the exact stars that you are viewing. It will cost about $400 and is on my birthday gift list. (Are you reading this, Mrs. Masie?) Check it out at:

Watch for more of these educational tools to combine GPS, content and learning.

2. Presentation Performance Support: While I am not a big fan of long PowerPoints, I have been impressed with new products that are assisting the Presenter/Trainer in making their presentations. The latest is Ovation from Serious Magic. I downloaded the demo last night and found a performance support tool for a presentation. Using the 2 screen feature in Windows, it gives the presenter a private view with current and future slides, a scrolling teletype of notes and a countdown clock for each slide and the remaining time in the presentation. It also allows for random access to key slides based on audience questions. And, it has a drill down option for greater depth on a slide and a variety of templates. You can get a free demo at:

3. CEOs Respond to 4 TRENDS: This weekend I presented a speech to several hundred CEOs of energy and communication companies. The topic was "4 Trends To Watch". They all connected back to learning, knowledge and performance. The response from the CEOs was quite powerful and launched a good many dialogues about the future of learning and technology in their organizations. Here is the quick list:

* Self-Service: Employees and customers are moving rapidly towards a comfort and even assumption of self-service for transactions.
* Search vs. Menu: Fewer websites are being accessed via a click from a menu and more from a free text search process.
* Media Timeshifting: Increased use of TIVO and Digital Recorders at home are leading to an expectation of the ability to timeshift most media watching.
* Peer Validated Knowledge: People are increasingly balancing expert knowledge with peer validation and ratings.

4. LMS 2006 Adds 2 More Hotels: We are delighted to announce that the registration for our new LMS 2006 User Group (April 6-7, Las Vegas) event is exceeding our expectations. With rooms almost filled at the conference hotel, we have added two additional nearby hotels in Las Vegas. There are now 23 LMS Suppliers as key sponsors of this first multi-vendor LMS User Group. Please register soon to avoid being closed out! Information at

Upcoming MASIE Center Events and Services:
* Membership in the Learning CONSORTIUM.
* LMS 2006 - April 6 and 7, 2006 - Las Vegas.
* Learning 2006 - November 5-8 - Orlando.
Information and registration at

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