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383 - 48 Hours in a Flatter World

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - March 1, 2006.
#383 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
52,199 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
LMS 2006 - April 6-7 - Las Vegas, NV -

48 Learning Hours in a World Getting Flatter, By Elliott Masie

In the last 48 hours, I have come to better understand and experience Tom Friedman's "The World is Flat". I wanted to share a few of my personal learning experiences and experiments in these 2 days:

Saudi Arabia by Video - Tuesday Morning - 1:30 AM: Sitting in my office in Saratoga Springs, NY, I deliver the keynote address to the Higher Education establishment in Saudi Arabia on the future of e-learning. We are connected via an internet based Video Conference setup. The men are in one room, the females are in another room and Elliott is in his office.
The the next sixty minutes, we have a robust dialogue about learning, generational changes, globalization and how to integrate local culture into emerging e-Learning models. No powerpoints, little formality and a very provocative discussion occurs across the net. I envy their strong coffee being poured for dignitaries in the front row and they wonder about the snow outside my office. We talk about "digital tribes", blended learning, rigour for e-Learning and generational differences in knowledge processing. We are struck by our common use of Google as our starting point for knowledge access.

Board Meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio By Video - Tuesday 9:30 AM: As a member of the Board of Operation Respect, I am supposed to be in Ohio for an important meeting, but the calendar won't support the trip. So, I point my internet video-conference to the Board Room and jump right into the proceedings. I actually find myself more engaged by video then I usually am in person. Plus, I can do some other tasks and some context work during the process.

Tom Friedman by Web - Tuesday 11:00 AM: I leave the Board meeting to participate as a student in a live (via web) e-Learning segment by Tom Friedman, produced by Linkage. The topic is "The World is Flat" and the content and quality of the delivery is awesome. Using a 133 kps stream, I see a live and highly animated video of Friedman discussing the key "flatteners of the world" - and the impact for knowledge, collaboration and the economy. Learners telephone, fax and email great core questions to Friedman and it is one of the richest 90 minutes of learning.

Leadership Coaching by Video - This Morning: As I send off this note, I'll be heading into a quarterly coaching session that I lead, via video, with the leadership of a telecommunications company. Every few months, we gather together - connected by video - and discuss emerging and disruptive trends in the technology, knowledge and business world. It is efficient, focused and easier to schedule.

Tonite: Australia Defence Department by .WAV File & Phone: At 6:30 PM, I will go "down-under" via a lower tech model of collaboration. I have produced a 20 minute video, responding to key questions from the Australia Defence Department on changes in the learning world. They have downloaded the .WAV file. The group will view this short video and then call me by phone for a question and answer session. Then, off to dinner and catching up on some sleep.

The world FEELS flatter. The technology of video-conferencing over the internet is getting way better and groups are getting more comfortable working creatively. I feel honored to have working relationships with learning colleagues around the world and blessed to live in a time when the flatter world is making for richer relationships. I welcome your stories about a flatter learning world, send them to

Warm regards, Elliott

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