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384 - Happy St. Patrick's; Podcast on Leadership; Adderall Question

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - March 17, 2006.
#384 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
52,254 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
LMS 2006 - April 6-7 - Las Vegas, NV - Over 347 Registered!

1. Happy St. Patrick's Day: Learning Futures in Ireland.
2. Free Podcast: Leadership Development Trends.
3. Adderall and Corporate Learning: A Question.

1. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Learning Futures in Ireland: First of all, Happy St. Patrick's Day to our TRENDS readers. I'm wearing Green today and have fond memories of the two years I spent working in Dublin right after graduating college. May your celebrations be joyous.

This is a perfect day to announce a new program that The MASIE Center & The Learning CONSORTIUM will be offering in Ireland this summer:

Learning Futures!
Trinity College - Dublin Ireland.
July 10 and 11, 2006

This new event will address the future of learning and how learning will impact our organizational futures. We will take an in-depth look at the future of LMS systems, Gaming, Informal Learning, Competencies, Collaboration and Globalization. Colleagues from Europe and around the world will be participating in this event that I will host at Trinity College, Dublin. If you would like to receive information, please send a note to The website for Learning Futures! will open in a few weeks.

2. Free Podcast - Leadership Development Trends - I recently interviewed John Alexander, the President of The Center for Creative Leadership, about the trends in leadership development. This interview is available in Podcast, Audio Download and Text Transcript versions at:

3. Question about Adderall and Corporate Learning: We have been asked by a member of our Learning CONSORTIUM to see if there are any organizations that are confronting or dealing with the impact of employee us of Adderall type drugs. These are prescriptions focused on Attention Deficit Disorder. A significant percentage of college students are officially or unofficially using Adderall to help with studying. Here is a recent news article about the topic from a campus newspaper:

And, there are reports that this continues when they enter the workplace.
I will be doing a report on this issue. If you have any experience or perspectives on the Adderall and workplace/learning implications, could you send me a confidential note. We'll provide a longer report in a future TRENDS. Send the note to

Upcoming MASIE Center Events & Services:
* LMS 2006 - Las Vegas - April 6 and 7.
* Learning 2006 - Orlando - November 5 to 8.
* Learning Futures! - Dublin, Ireland - July 10 & 11.
* Membership in Learning CONSORTIUM.
Information and Registration at

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