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386 - Boomerang Workers, Content and Competencies, Blackberry for Learning

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - March 30, 2006.
#386 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
52,376 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
LMS 2006 - April 6-7 - Las Vegas, NV - Over 435 Registered!

1. Boomerang or Returning Workers - Are You Ready?
2. Content, Competencies and Compliance: LMS Concerns.
3. Blackberry Learning Experiments - Volunteers?

1. Boomerang or Returning Workers - Are You Ready? As the length of tenure of our employees becomes shorter, we are also seeing an interesting trend of returning or "Boomerang" workers. These are individuals who are re-joining your organization after a few or many years. In some situations, returning workers are coming back for a 3rd time.

There can be great advantages of putting out the Welcome Mat for returning workers. They already have experienced your culture, bring the wisdom of working at more than just 1 organization and have often been well trained in the years after their first departure. Yet, few organizations have a process for tracking and re-recruiting "Boomerang" workers. It is an interesting conversation to raise with your Talent Management Officer:
What can we do to creatively leverage "Boomerang" workers? How is the on-boarding of a Boomerang hire different?

2. Content, Competencies and Compliance - LMS Concerns: As I prepare to host our LMS 2006 event in Las Vegas next week, we have been surveying our
435 participants about their key interests and topics. Here are a few of the phrases that are coming from the LMS deployment community:

- Content: How to manage content being developed by non-learning departments? How to manage non-instructional content used for learning (eg. podcasts)? How to manage global enterprise wide content harvesting?
How to add LCMS capacity to current LMS deployments?

- Competencies: How to integrate competency management into LMS deployments? How to create meaningful measures of organizational competency levels? How to map invitations to learning to competency profiles? How to experiment with e-portfolios?

- Compliance: How to use an LMS as a Compliance Management Tool? How to accomplish compliance requirements with "sampling" rather than full universe testing? How to find motivational elements for employee self-service compliance activities?

We will be tackling these issues at LMS 2006. I will post an executive summary in TRENDS after the event. If you would like to register for the handful of remaining spaces, go to

3. Blackberry Learning Experiments - Volunteers? We are looking for several Learning TRENDS readers to participate in an experiment on the use of Blackberry devices in learning programs. If you are a current Blackberry user and would be willing to spend an hour or two over the next few months exploring how organizations could use them for content, community and coaching, send an email to Thanks!

Upcoming MASIE Center Events & Services:
* LMS 2006 - Las Vegas - April 6 and 7.
* Learning 2006 - Orlando - November 5 to 8.
* Learning Futures! - Dublin, Ireland - July 10 & 11.
* Membership in Learning CONSORTIUM.
Information and Registration at

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