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Learning Futures Invitation

TO: Learning and Training Colleagues
FROM: Elliott Masie, The MASIE Center Learning CONSORTIUM
RE: Invitation to Learning Futures 2006 and Extreme Learning Lab

I would like to invite you and your colleagues to participate in two new programs focused on the changing world of learning:

Learning Futures 2006.
Dublin, Ireland - Trinity College.
July 10 and 11th.
Featuring: Malcolm Gladwell (Blink) and Nigel Paine (BBC).

Extreme Learning LAB.
Saratoga Springs, NY @ The MASIE Center Headquarters.
July 24th to July 26th.

The Learning Futures 2006 event will bring together colleagues from around the world to dialogue and investigate the future of learning in our organizations. Dublin, Ireland is a great city and we are honored to be hosting this at Trinity College, one of the oldest learning institutions in the world, founded in 1592. Malcolm Gladwell, the author of Blink and Tipping Point will be our featured guest. I will be joined by Nigel Paine, head of People Development from the BBC. In addition, Learning Officers from many other countries will be part of this interactive event.
Space is limited. Register at

The Extreme Learning Lab is a unique 3-day, small group, hands-on immersion into the world of Gaming for Learning, Informal Learning, Simulation and PodCasting. Learn, Experiment and Work in our 10,000 square foot building with evolving technologies and a team of expert coaches. The Extreme Learning Lab is limited to 40 participants.
Register at

If you have any questions, please contact Anne Marie at or call 518-350-2216.

Yours in learning,

Elliott Masie
The MASIE Center

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