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389 - Me Publishing Imperative; Fleet Week; Mini-Seminars Posted

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - May 26, 2006.
#389 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
52,434 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Learning Futures - Dublin, Ireland -

1. "Me-Publishing" and Social Networking Imperatives.
2. Mini-Seminars from ASTD Conference On-Line.
3. Memorial Day and Fleet Week.

1. "Me-Publishing" Imperatives: Your employees want an opportunity to "me-publish" their profiles and perspectives at work! Let me share an interesting story from a young employee that I met on an airplane:

This young man had been recently hired by a Fortune 100 company to work in their procurement office. On his first day of work, he asked the HR person conducting orientation where he could publish his profile.
This was a perplexing question to the facilitator who responded that his profile was already in their HR system. The new employee replied: "But, where do I post my profile so that everyone else in the company can see what I am about?"

He kept his profile on Facebook and MySpace up to date and used these social networking systems every day. So, he just assumed that a big corporation would have a similar system. He wanted to be able to see who had graduated from his college, who shared some of his same interests, even who already knew the massive system he was about to learn. His model of learning and "belonging" involved a degree of "me-publishing" and social networking. He was amazed that people could work for a 50,000 person company and not be able to self-publish their profiles and experiences.

The HR orientation leader told him he should get used to the fact that big companies didn't foster that type of networking and it could be used to help recruit away some of their best talent. Actually, her response had the same effect. One week later, he resigned and went to a company that gave him the tools and permissions to keep a daily work blog and access to an internally secure social networking system. By the way, he took a 15% reduction in salary in order to be in a better topography of knowledge sharing.

Don't do this just for your NextGen employees. The age of me-publishing and social networking is upon us and will be leveraged by every generation of our workforce. We can create models that protect the company's interests while deeply fostering the power of the network and the wisdom of crowds.

2. Mini-Seminars from ASTD Conference On-Line: While at the recent ASTD Conference, I presented 11 half-hour mini-seminars on key learning issues.
We recorded and transcribed these seminars and are providing them free to Learning TRENDS Readers. The topics include: Learning in the Age of Google, LMS Basics and Myths, Learning Careers and many more. To access these PodCasts, Audio Broadcasts and Text Transcripts, go to:

3. Memorial Day Weekend and Fleet Week: In a few hours, I will be having lunch on the USS Kearsarge with Rear Admiral Garry Hall. The Kearsage is in New York City as part of Fleet Week.
I will be reviewing the learning processes while sailors are at sea. The ability to learn any place, any time has been deeply implemented by the U.S.

Upcoming MASIE Center Events and Services:
* Learning Futures 2006 - Dublin, Ireland - July 10-11 (with Malcolm Gladwell).
* Extreme Learning Lab & Seminar - Saratoga Springs, NY - July 24-26.
* Membership in the Learning CONSORTIUM.
* Learning 2006 - Nov 5-8 - Orlando.
Info at

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