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390 - Stumble Browsing, Wait 9 Seconds, Global Learning

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - May 31, 2006.
#390 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
52,455 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Learning Futures - Dublin, Ireland -

1. StumbleUpon - Peer Rated Browsing.
2. Patient Technology at the Bedside.
3. Wait Nine Seconds for Learners.
4. Global Learning Focus of Ireland Event!

1. StumbleUpon - Peer Rated Browsing: I actually stumbled upon a site called StumbleUpon and it is quite cool. This free site has created a community of folks who rate the value of websites on the web in various categories. It is a wonderful metaphor for the random browsing that we love to do in book stores or libraries, with the added value of community valuing. Not a bad model for some of our corporate LMS/LCMS front ends as well. Check it out at

2. Patient Technology at the Bedside: My father-in-law has been in Lahey Clinic, near Boston, recovering from surgery. I was fascinated to see how far patient-focused technology has come (and is heading). In his room, he has a touchscreen monitor that swivels at his bed, providing internet access as well as TV, educational segments and connection with nurses.

There is a video camera built into the monitor that could be enabled in the near future to allow for vidcons to both family and other health providers. Great strides forward for family connection at times of illness and learning at the bedside.

3. Wait Nine Seconds for Learners: This is a simple and very powerful tip for trainers. After asking for questions from the class, silently count to nine. Only nine seconds of silence will increase the number of questions dramatically. It takes at least 2 seconds for the learners to recognize that you actually asked a question. And, a few seconds to rehearse their question and check the room for other hands. Most trainers only wait about three seconds and then announce, "Great!" That's not great. If you taught really new and good stuff, there WILL be questions. Wait nine seconds. It may seem long to you, but it is a real gift to the learners.

4. Global Learning Focus of Ireland Event! Malcolm Gladwell, the author of Blink and Tipping Point, will join me and other learning executives in Dublin, Ireland in July for a new event: Learning Futures. Together, we will explore the nature of Global Learning. How is learning different as you assist workers in various countries and cultures? We will explore the various futures of formal and informal learning. This is a small and intimate session with colleagues ready to create tomorrow's workplace learning. Dates: July 10 and 11. Information and Registration:

Upcoming MASIE Center Events and Services:
* Learning Futures 2006 - Dublin, Ireland - July 10-11 (with Malcolm Gladwell).
* Extreme Learning Lab & Seminar - Saratoga Springs, NY - July 24-26.
* Membership in the Learning CONSORTIUM.
* Learning 2006 - Nov 5-8 - Orlando.
Info at

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