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391 - Working From Home, Speed of Promotions, YouTube

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - June 5, 2006.
#391 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
52,465 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Learning 2006 - Early Registration Now Open -

1. Working From Home - Journalist Request.
2. YouTube: More Me-Publishing.
3. Speed of Promotion to Supervisor Increasing.
4. Early Registration Discounts for Learning 2006.

(Note: On the road to Wal-Mart University for meetings with their learning team and Arkansas ASTD).

1. Working From Home - Journalist Request: A journalist for a major national newspaper contacted me today for help on a story she is writing in the next two days. Here is her request to TRENDS readers:

"Preparing Workers to Work From Home: As more companies are embracing broad telecommuting programs to reduce costs or ensure continuation of operations in emergencies, how are you preparing workers to work from home? How are organizations managing the transition? How do you help individual workers make the change to home-based work, and what kinds of challenges arise?"

If you can talk to this very reputable columnist, can you send a note to with your name, email and phone number. Thanks!

2. YouTube - More Me-Publishing: Another example of the evolution of Me-Publishing can be found in the rapid growth of the site You Tube.
Anyone can post a short (1 to 3 minute) home made video on this public board. Most are currently from and for teenagers, with tagging and rating a key component of this site. The MASIE Center believes that these sites will increase the acceptance and demand for informal media content in a work context. Imagine if your corporate directory included 3,000 2 minute short videos form every employee describing their talents or roles. Check it out at

3. Speed of Promotion to Supervisor Increasing: In three different conversations over the past week, the speed of promotion to front line supervisor was raised by colleagues in our Learning CONSORTIUM. They reported a push to find, develop and deploy enough first line supervisors.
In some companies, staff are being promoted to these roles at an alarming rate, often without much work experience or exposure to supervisory role models. At the same time, a larger number of newer employees are saying "No Thanks" to the offer of promotion to supervisory roles. We'll be benchmarking on these issues in the coming weeks. Would love to hear your comments - send them to

4. Early Registration Discounts for Learning 2006: You can save hundreds of dollars by taking advantage of our Early Registration rates for Learning 2006. The lowest rates are available only until July 1st.
Hundreds of your colleagues have already registered for Learning 2006, to be held in Orlando from November 5 to 8th. Go to for information and registration.

Upcoming MASIE Center Events and Services:
* Extreme Learning Lab & Seminar - Saratoga Springs, NY - July 24-26.
* Membership in the Learning CONSORTIUM.
* Learning 2006 - Nov 5-8 - Orlando.
Info at

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