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482 - Learning Governance; Presidential Campaigns and Learning

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Oct 11, 2007.
#482 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
53,954 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Host of Learning 2007 - Oct 21-24 - Orlando, Florida, USA.
- Over 2,002 Registered Participants -

1. Learning Governance - When a Session Cancels!
2. Where is Performance Support in Service Techs?
3. Learning Platform for 2008 Presidential Race.

1. Learning Governance - When a Session Cancels! What happens when one of your senior faculty is assigned to go to China at the very moment they were leading a session for you? Well, when Rob Lauber, the VP for Learning at YUM! Brands (Pizza Hut, A&W, etc.), was re-directed to Asia for Oct 21st, we decided to do a Blended Approach to program continuity.

First, we recorded an interview with Rob about his content - Global Learning Governance (12-Minute Podcast):

Then, we added some additional colleagues to lead the session including, Grant Ricketts and other Chief Learning Officers. If people have questions for Rob, they can post them on to our LearningWiki and he will respond after he returns from China. In the old days, we would be canceling sessions when plans change. It is fun to experiment with ways of having content continuity plans.

2. Where is Performance Support in Service Techs? In the past few days, two service technicians were at The MASIE Center working on a color copying machine and one of our network clusters. I was amazed that neither of them carried a Performance Support System with them. Sure, there were manuals in the car and a cell phone back to the office. But, in the age of Fingertip Knowledge, both were clearly under-connected to resources that would put Performance Support right at the moment of service and need.

3. Learning Platform for 2008 Presidential Race: We will be brainstorming a "Learning Platform" for the 2008 Presidential Candidates during Learning 2007. We would like to ask for TRENDS readers' input. If you were called by the campaigns to suggest ideas or even legislation that would increase our learning capability, what would you suggest? For myself, I would add funding for a series of Learning Research projects to better understand how people are actually learning. I'd like to get your ideas and we will pass these along to both parties. Send them to

Upcoming MASIE Center Events:
* Learning 2007: Oct 21 to 24 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in our Learning CONSORTIUM.
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