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483 - Social Buttons and Structured Notepaper

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Oct 12, 2007.
#483 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
53,965 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Host of Learning 2007 - Oct 21-24 - Orlando, Florida, USA.
- Over 2,057 Registered Participants -

1. Social Buttons & Structured Notepaper: Engagement Tools.
2. Our 2,000th Participant: Congrats!

1. Social Buttons & Structured Notepaper: Engagement Tools! Buttons and notepads are pretty low-tech, but they can be very high-touch, highly social networking-focused and provide a structure for informal learning.

Social Buttons: We have designed 30 small, colorful buttons with 1 or 2 words apiece for our participants to wear on their clothing or nametag lanyards. These words include: Multi-Tasker, New to Learning, Confused, Blogger, Shopping for LMS, Loner. Our participants will wear 0 to 30 of these as conversation starters and social networking tools.

Notepad Design: Sure, you can take notes on a yellow pad. Instead, we have designed a multi-color, multi-format visual notetaking pad for our participants that is mapped to learning styles and explicit about types of notes that lead to TRANSFER. Check out this pad and sample of the Social Buttons at:

2. Our 2,000th Participant: Congrats! We just processed our 2,000th registration for Learning 2007: Lisa Byrne, Manager, Learning & Development at GlaxoSmithKline. She will receive a special gift of $500 Disney Dollars.

Upcoming MASIE Center Events:
* Learning 2007: Oct 21 to 24 - Orlando, Florida.
> Free Sunday Institutes at Learning 2007.
* Membership in our Learning CONSORTIUM.
Information at
Email for Elliott to

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