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431 - A Funeral and Blizzard.

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Feb 14, 2007.
#431 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
53,357 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Host of LMS 2007 - April 12 & 13 - Las Vegas, NV, USA.

1. A Funeral and A Blizzard.

Dear Trends Readers,

It is a tender and tough two days for us in Saratoga Springs.

My father-in-law, Ed DiMiceli, passed away on Saturday. Many TRENDS readers met Ed, Cathy and AnneMarie's father, when we drafted him to work as a "volunteer" to work at our conferences.

Ed was a lifelong educator, working in schools as a teacher and administrator. He and I would often talk about the links between education in the K-12 sector and the corporate training field. I remember his thought about how teachers think about in-service education:

"Avoid teaching "new" education theories to experienced teachers! Give them two ideas that they can use in the classroom tomorrow and they will become better teachers. Better yet, let them hear the ideas from each other rather than an admininstrator. Trusted tips work best!"

I smiled when I saw that the funeral home had gone interactive with their listings. His obituary is now online with an interactive guest book:

One other irony at this time of sadness for our family is the snow blizzard that is happening right now in Saratoga Springs. As the head of a school district in Upstate New York, Ed was obsessed with snow. He would monitor the weather to decide if schools should be closed. So, he is now smiling down at the blizzard that is visiting our city on the same days as his Viewing and Funeral.

On this Valentine's Day, we remember Ed with great fondness and love. His wife, Diane, and his children, Cathy, AnneMarie, Eric and Brian, have lost a wonderful father and husband. And, I have lost a wise advisor and low-cost volunteer worker at our Learning Conferences.

Life is short and fragile. Let us always live it with gusto and learning!

The MASIE Center will be closed on Thursday in honor of Ed DiMiceli.

Elliott Masie

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