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MASIE Center Presents: Performance Support LAB

TO: Learning Colleagues
FROM: The MASIE Center

You are invited to participate:

Performance Support LAB & Seminar
"Learning at the Moment of Need"
April 25 to 27, 2007
MASIE Center Learning LAB
Saratoga Springs, NY USA

We are honored to offer this event, taught by two of the leaders in the world of performance support:

Conrad Gottfredson and Bob Mosher

There are times when formal training and learning are NOT the right solution. This is a new and highly interactive three-day, hands-on "deep dive" into the world of Digital and Paper-based Performance Support. Let's leverage the world of the web, emerging models of knowledge sharing and dramatically changing pressure for speed-to-competency!

Space is limited to 40 learning professionals. Complete information at

Register early. Any questions, please contact

Other MASIE Center Programs:
* LMS 2007 - Learning Systems User Group - April 12-13, Las Vegas
* Extreme Learning LAB - May 9-11, Saratoga Springs, NY
* Learning 2007 - October 21-24, Orlando
* Membership in our Learning CONSORTIUM
Info at:

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