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434 - Mini Y2K? Emergency Room Simulation, Compliance Management

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - March 5, 2007.
#434 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
53,389 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Host of LMS 2007 - April 12 & 13 - Las Vegas, NV, USA.

1. Mini-Y2K-Learning/Training for Daylight Change?
2. Emergency Room Medical Simulation at Home!
3. LMS as a Compliance Management System.

1. Mini-Y2K-Learning/Training for Daylight Change? Next weekend, many corporate IT managers will have a mini-Y2K experience! When the U.S.
Congress shifted the start of Daylight Savings Time by one month, little did they realize the computing implications. This puts the U.S. out of sync with much of the world on time zones, with scheduling implications for business travel and even web conferences.

But, the largest impact can be seen in corporate investment to prevent a Mini-Y2K, when servers, desktops and other devices need to be instantly reset for a time change that is not part of their core programming. The New York Times recently reported that U.S. companies will spend about $350 million on computer fixes for this situation.

I would love to hear from TRENDS readers about any involvement that corporate training or learning departments have with this situation. Have organizations created e-Learning or other resources as part of the planning? Send me a note to and I will send a summary in a few days.

2. Emergency Room Medical Simulation at Home! Nintendo Wii has released a new simulation - Trauma Center: Second Opinion. The player is presented with a series of patients who have serious conditions. You are prompted to use a variety of medical interventions, from scanners, to medicines to scalpels and surgical needles. You stand up ... with a wireless device in each hand and "operate" on the patient, complete with very graphic detail and feedback. This is taking game-based simulation to the next era and is only $49. I can't wait to see authoring systems that will more easily support corporate simulations. Check it out at

3. LMS as a Compliance Management System. One of the fastest growing uses for Learning Management Systems is Compliance Management. Many corporate deployments are being driven by the Compliance Tracking, Reporting and Management requirements of legal and other departments. A number of major corporations are building Compliance front ends to their LMS deployments, to allow compliance focused executives more direct control over the Learning System. There are also conversations afoot for Compliance APIs that will allow for more automatic transfer of data to regulatory agencies.

Compliance and the LMS is one of the topics that we will be addressing at LMS 2007 - Learning Systems User Group, to be held in Las Vegas, NV on April 12 and 13th. Join several hundred colleagues for a vendor-neutral discussion.

Upcoming MASIE Center Events & Services:
* Performance Support LAB & Seminar: April 25-27 - Saratoga Springs, NY.
* LMS 2007: April 12-13 - Las Vegas, NV.
* Extreme Learning LAB & Seminar: May 9-11 - Saratoga Springs, NY.
* Learning 2007: Oct 21-24 - Orlando, FL.
* Membership in our Learning CONSORTIUM.
Information at

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