599 - Learnings from Learning; Colleagues Gathering in Hawaii

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - November 16, 2009.
#599 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,839 Readers - http://www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
1. Learnings from Learning 2009.
2. Gathering of Hawaii Learning Colleagues.
1. Learnings from Learning 2009: We just returned from Learning 2009 and wanted to send out a quick blast to our TRENDS readers. It was an exciting and intense time with 1,300 global learning colleagues from around the world. I will be sending a more complete “report” on the event, but here are a few top line impressions and observations:
* Video: There is a strong interest in and deployment of video in the world of learning. Our experiment with CNN yielded fascinating results - watching colleagues get MUCH better in just 3 days at using video to tell a story. I was impressed with the idea of shooting almost “stills” with video - to focus the story.
* Capt. Sully: Our time with Capt. “Sully” Sullenberger was fascinating. I am still thinking about his comments about the need to balance Teamwork, Trust, Shared Work Process Expectations and Learned Procedures. He is a humble man, very focused on the role of training, experience and practice as the keys to performance.
* Social Media, Twitter and Back Channel Learning: Interesting to have a Twitter Scan going on in back of some of our keynote speakers. I had to develop a new skill of speaking and monitoring twitter for questions. The conversation is continuing on #L2009 if you search on Twitter for comments and contributions.
* Virtual Leadership Skills: Lots of focus on how to add Virtual Leadership to the skillsets of new and existing leaders. How to build Digital Rhythm and more.
* Deconstructing Content: A number of speakers talked about reducing the investment in formal content and harvesting more of the content from Open Source or existing corporate content. I experimented with this myself, using 2 YouTube segments to introduce Sully and a tribute to Veterans. A number of organizations shared plans to reduce the amount of formal content they are developing and design around discoverable content elements.
We will post a series of segments from Learning 2009 on our websites starting on Wednesday. I will send out a Learning TRENDS with linkage information. Thanks to all of our readers for your support of this event and we look forward to sharing content and conversations with the wider learning community in the weeks ahead.
2. Gathering of Hawaii Learning Colleagues: My wife and I will be heading to Hawaii for 10 days this Friday, for a combination of vacation and connection with some colleagues. If you live in Hawaii, we will be hosting an informal gathering on Monday, November 23rd in the late afternoon in Honolulu. If you are in the area and would like to join us for a conversation about learning (and a few drinks), please send a note to me at emasie@masie.com
Elliott Masie
Contact: emasie@masie.com
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