598 - Taking the Train to Learning - A Rolling Design Retreat

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - November 3, 2009.
#598 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
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Host - Learning 2009 - Nov 8-11 - Orlando, Florida
Taking the Train to Learning - A Rolling Design Retreat
Hello from the Amtrak train - heading from Albany, New York to Orlando, Florida. I’m taking a leisurely 24 hour train ride to Disney, where I will be hosting Learning 2009, starting on Sunday afternoon.
Why take the train when there are direct flights to Orlando that would get me there in a just a few hours?
The answer is Design and Retreat. Hosting 1,300 learning colleagues requires both an organizational and personal design process. Over the past six months, my team at The MASIE Center has assembled almost 200 workshops and six keynote sessions. We have focused on key issues, sought out new presenters and played with evolving formats for sessions.
As I prep to take the stage and play the role of host and facilitator, I need to take some time away from the buzz of my office and visualize and create a personal vibe for the event. Slowing down, literally, and looking out the window as the train slides from north to south is a perfect setting for that personal retreat and reflection.
Sure, I will be pretty connected with my iPhone and other devices. And, I’ll be sending a few emails and making a few phone calls along the rails. But, the change of scene and the soothing sounds of the rails provides me with the setting for doing the next to last stage of design. (The final one will be the real time tweaks and adaptions that trainers do in the midst of any “class”.)
So, if you live along the Amtrak route, I’ll be the guy in the small bedroom on train 91, heading to Kissimee, Florida.
Oh, I also downloaded a few movies and have my favorite “training” song on my phone, “The City of New Orleans”.
All aboard….
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Contact: emasie@masie.com
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* Learning 2009: Nov 8 to 11 - Orlando, FL
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