597 - 208 Seconds from Birds to Landing - Capt. Sully

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - November 2, 2009.
#597 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,837 Readers - http://www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
Host - Learning 2009 - Nov 8-11 - Orlando, Florida
“208 Seconds from Birds to Landing” - Capt. Sully
I just finished two great back-to-back phone conversations with Captain “Sully” Sullenberger and Malcolm Gladwell.
They are both keynoters for our Learning 2009 event, which starts on Sunday. I was chatting with them to plan their conversations/interviews at the event.
Capt. Sully talked with me about the impact of time pressure on performance. “Elliott, it was 208 seconds from Birds to Landing”. That phrase will stick in my head for a very long time. Imagine how fast 208 seconds is and how one prepares for the intense decision to land on water. Capt. Sully also said that he had been making “deposits” in the bank with training, practice and experience for more than two decades and that afternoon, he took a massive withdrawal. I am very excited to explore with him the role that training and learning played in performance and drill down on his views about classroom practices and paths to “readiness”.
Malcolm will be talking about “Outliers” and also the incredible power that culture plays in organizations that have clear and explicit cultural norms and rules. He has been researching the intersection of expertise and culture - and how organizations can guard against overly trusting expertise. We had a great conversation about the pattern of alcoholism across cultures as an interesting factoid to explore.
Sully and Malcolm are just two of our keynoters. We are almost out of hotel rooms but we urge you to register for Learning 2009 if you can. Join the over 1,300 global learning colleagues at our event in Orlando, Florida. Go to http://www.learning2009.com for complete details. Twitter hash mark for the event will be #L2009
208 Seconds … just counted that down on my stopwatch!
Yours in Learning,
Elliott Masie
Contact: emasie@masie.com
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