601 - Video for Learning Skills; More Content; Holiday Greetings

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - December 23, 2009.
#601- Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,846 Readers - http://www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
1. Video for Learning LAB & Seminar.
2. Video Clips from Learning 2009.
3. Using 2009 Dollars for 2010 Learning Events.
4. Holiday Greetings!
1. Video for Learning LAB & Seminar: Video is dramatically expanding as a delivery mode for learning in our organizations. From Video Stories to Video Content to Video Conferencing - we are tracking increased deployment and utilization by learners, knowledge programs and learning departments. I am pleased to announce a new hands-on deep dive into this critical topic:
Video for Learning LAB & Seminar
March 22 to 24, 2010 - Saratoga Springs, NY
I am assembling a faculty team that will include instructional designers, videographers and learning leaders to lead this course with me. The space is limited! Each participant will receive an HD camera and Snowball Audio Microphone along with a wide range of resources to increase their organizational and personal readiness to capture, design, deploy and utilize a wide range of Video for Learning approaches. Registration is now open at http://www.masie.com
2. Video Clips from Learning 2009: We now have dozens of hours of content from Learning 2009 Keynotes. Check it out at http://www.learning2010.com/video
3. Using 2009 Dollars for 2010 Learning Events: We have received many requests from colleagues to be able to use 2009 budget dollars for programs in 2010. We are therefore opening early registration on this list of MASIE Center Learning Programs for Learning Professionals:
* Performer Support LAB & Seminar - March 17 to 19.
* Virtual Leadership: Skills for Learning Distributed Teams - Feb. 1 to 3.
* Social Learning LAB & Seminar - Feb. 22 to 24.
* Learning Leaders Academy - April 18 to 21.
* Video for Learning LAB & Seminar - March 22 to 24.
* Learning 2010 - Oct. 24 to 27.
All information and early registration can be found at http://www.masie.com
4. Holiday Greetings! This has been a year of uncertainty for many of our colleagues in the learning field. May this Holiday Season be a joyous and learning-filled one for you, your family and your colleagues. The MASIE Center Staff send you our Holiday Greetings and hopes for a healthy New Year.
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Contact: emasie@masie.com