602 - Cool eReader; Drive by Dan Pink; Y2K 10 Years Later

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - December 29, 2009.
#602- Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,853 Readers - http://www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
1. Cool eReader About to Launch.
2. “Drive” by Dan Pink Released Today - Questions Please.
3. Y2K 10 Years Ago.
1. Cool eReader About to Launch: There are 4 different eReaders in my office: 2 Kindles, a Sony Reader and a Kindle App on my iPhone. For the past few years, I have become a user and fan of the digital book. And, on Christmas Day, Amazon sold more digital Kindle titles than print books. So, my eyes went wide today when I read the preview announcement of a new eReader “platform” from Ray Kurzweil, one of my favorite thinkers and innovators. He will announce this color based eReader technology at CES in a week. Check out the preview at: http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2009/12/blio-kurzweil-reinvents-the-book/
2. “Drive” by Dan Pink Released Today - Questions Please: Dan Pink is a colleague and friend who has written several groundbreaking books, including “A Whole New Mind”. Today, he releases his latest book “Drive”. The book focuses on what motivates workers - including the three elements of true motivation: autonomy, mastery and purpose. Check out Dan’s site at http://www.danpink.com to explore this new title. And, tomorrow I will be doing an interview with Dan about “Drive”. If you would like to send me a question to ask him, email it to emasie@masie.com I will post the PodCast after the New Year.
3. Y2K 10 Years Ago: This morning, as I was thinking about New Year’s Eve, my thoughts went back a decade and to the worldwide focus on Y2K. Friends of mine were sleeping on cots in their offices, ready to support the IT structure if the Y2K date change would damage our systems and processes. Here is an interesting historical perspective on the Y2K incident and lessons learned: http://alturl.com/tdbn
Happy New Years to Learning TRENDS Readers. See you in 2010!
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Contact: emasie@masie.com
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