603 - Gadgets and Learning; PodCast on Drive and Workers

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - January 5, 2010.
#603- Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,857 Readers - http://www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2010 - Oct 24 to 27, Orlando, FL
1. PodCast on “Drive” and Motivation with Dan Pink.
2. The Gadget Show Opens: Learning TRENDS Reporting.
3. Virtual Leadership: Leader as Publisher of Context.
1. PodCast on “Drive” and Motivation with Dan Pink: We start 2010 with an in-depth interview on “DRIVE”, a new book by Dan Pink, focused on worker motivation. Dan drills down on the roles of:
* Autonomy.
* Mastery.
* Purpose.
and provides some provocative insights to how organizations are changing their talent assumptions. You will find some great perspectives for learning from Dan, who also wrote “A Whole New Mind”. Listen to all or parts of this PodCast at http://www.masie.com/danpink
2. The Gadget Show Opens - Learning TRENDS Reporting: We have several “scouts” in Las Vegas at the annual gadget and technology show - CES. Throughout the week, I will write daily updates on announcements that may have some impact on learning, collaboration and performance. Here are a few technologies and approaches that we are tracking:
* eReaders: There are 5 scheduled announcements about new digital readers. I am quite interested in the new “Skiff” that is a large format model with content from newspaper publishers. It will be interesting to see if the eReaders can be adapted to the learning and performer support field.
* Apps Expand: The shift continues towards small, low-cost, easy-to-buy/install apps, like the ones on the iPhone. The app movement is all over the map on CES announcements. We are tracking the expansion of the app model to tablets, notebooks and desktops - and the implications for targeted performance and knowledge apps.
* Displays for Classrooms: It may be a great time from a price and technology perspective to freshen up our classroom technology. We will be tracking larger displays, multi-touch capacity and even the use of 3D screens for simulation and presentation.
* Health and Information: Watch for a deluge of announcements about technologies and systems that will track and provide us with personal health information. For example, I have been experimenting with the Zeos, which tracks my nightly sleep patterns (REM, light, deep and awake), through a wireless headband sensor. Systems like these will be linked to coaching and education, as well as collaboration with medical resources.
* Video Conferencing Coming Out Year: While video conferencing has been around for over 20 years, 2010 may be the year where we see it growing to the mainstream. Watch for an announcement from Verizon about a handheld vidcon phone, track the inclusion of cameras on many monitors/laptops and the rise of Skype type vidcon capability in the home and office. Huge implications for teaching and coaching.
* Gadget Hype: I have been tracking CES for a decade. Lesson learned: about 50% of the announcements never make it to market or die soon after delivery. So, watch gadgets for trends but remember the failed technology that may be sitting in our attic at home :)
If you have specific questions about CES that I can pass on to our on-site “Scouts”, please send me an email to emasie@masie.com Happy New Year to Learning TRENDS Readers. See you in 2010!
3. Virtual Leadership - Leader as Publisher of Context: One of the evolving skillsets of the Virtual Leader, who is managing a distributed team, is as “Publisher”. The leader can build a pattern of publishing CONTEXT to the team, commenting on a range of events that occur on a weekly/monthly basis. These might include:
* Context about Corporate Policy: When a new rule, model or approach is announced, the Virtual Leader follows on with an email, video segment or blog entry, adding her context to the content of the policy.
* Aggregating Team Activity: Quick summaries of what is happening around the country or globe with individual team members. One manager has a web page with a graphic of the world - with images of each distributed team member on the map. Regular updates about accomplishments or personal milestones are added to the map.
* Trends: Much as we do in Learning TRENDS, a manager who is in touch with a wide range of colleagues and customers can do an irregular posting of key trends that impact their goals and work.
* Trip Logs: A CFO friend of mine travels about 130 days a year. He has a place on SharePoint where he takes quick pictures and posts tidbits and conversations from the field. It is the one of the most frequently visited websites on their intranet.
It does not matter what the technology is (documents, Twitter, emails or printed paper). What matters is that the Virtual Leader provides team members with a flow of CONTEXT. This will add trust and effectiveness to their management style. We will be addressing a wide range of these approaches in our new seminar, Virtual Leadership, that I will be leading in Saratoga Springs from Feb 1 to 3. Info and registration at: http://www.masie.com
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Contact: emasie@masie.com
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Social Learning LAB & Seminar.
* Performer Support LAB & Seminar.
* Video for Learning LAB & Seminar.
* Virtual Leadership: Skills for Leading Distributed Teams.
* Learning Leaders Academy.
* Learning 2010 - Oct 24 to 27 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com