563 - Facebook, Skills for Transparency & Authors Wanted

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Feb 17, 2009.
#563 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,591 Readers - http://www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
1. Facebook & Learning Experiment: Join Us!
2. Skills for Government Transparency - Working Example.
3. Authors and Editors Wanted for Learning Journal.
1. Facebook & Learning Experiment - Join Us! I am running an experiment on Social Networks and Learning using Facebook. It would be great if a large group of Learning TRENDS colleagues joined a special Facebook group that we have created. Go to http://www.masie.com/ext/facebook Thanks!
2. Skills for Government Transparency - Working Example & Ideas. One of the projects of the new administration is focused on adding increased transparency to government spending. The interesting question is to think about the skills that citizens will need to make sense of large amounts of public data on spending, projects, taxes and more. Take a minute to look at the website http://usaspending.gov, which has online access to Federal spending by district, agency or vendor. Poke around the site and send me a few ideas about your ideas of what learning would be optimal (or even performance support tools) to help individuals make sense of increased data access. Send me your thoughts to emasie@masie.com
3. Authors and Editors Wanted for Learning Journal: I am looking for about 20 to 30 volunteer writers or editors from the Learning Community to help with a new free “journal” that we will be producing. This online project will be rich in attitude, focused on non-traditional approaches to learning and peer reviewed in the editorial process. If you would like to write a single article or edit an on-going column/conversation, please send a note to Brooke Thomas as brooke@masie.com
Yours in Learning,
Elliott Masie
Contact me at emasie@masie.com
Upcoming MASIE Center Services & Events:
* Social Learning Lab & Seminar: March 11 to 13 - Saratoga Springs (Value Pricing)
* Performance Support Lab & Seminar: Feb 25 to 27 - Saratoga Springs (Value Pricing)
* Learning Systems Roundtable: April 15 and 16 - Chicago (Value Pricing)
Information and Registration at http://www.masie.com