564 - Designed Social Learning?, Cafe Career Coaching

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Feb 24, 2009.
#564 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,599 Readers - http://www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning Systems Roundtable - Chicago - April 15 & 16
1. Designed vs. Grassroots Social Learning.
2. Cafe Career Coaching.
1. Designed vs. Grassroots Social Learning: It is intriguing to look at two different models of Social Learning:
* Designed Social Learning - Design a social learning experience, utilizing a new or existing social network, with key activities and specific learning or behavioral outcomes. For example, an instructor designs a challenge project that requires a learner to find and collaborate with key colleagues around the enterprise. There may be high levels of facilitation in the Designed Social Learning experience, with follow-up messaging and assignments originating from the instructor as the activity proceeds.
* Grassroots Social Learning - Assume that learners will utilize the social networks (internal and external) to support and extend the learning experience. For example, newly designated management development candidates would be given access to a social network of previous alumni - but without specific tasks or facilitation. In this model, it is assumed that learners will individually work the network or collectively might extend or evolve the network. For example, they might build their own discussion areas as needed, without permissions or designer engagement.
Both of these models of Social Learning are exciting and appropriate in different learning situations. We will be exploring a wide range of Social Learning models, tools and design approaches during our first Social Learning Lab and Seminar to be held in Saratoga Springs from March 11 to 13 - info at http://www.masie.com
2. Cafe Career Coaching: I am in Washington, DC for a speech at Lockheed Martin and meetings with White House staff on our ReSkilling Project. I had a fascinating experience yesterday while stopping for a cup of tea at Starbucks. A woman approached me as I was working on my slides for the meeting. She asked if she could get a few minutes of my time - for a mini-career coaching session.
She was between jobs and was interacting with a few people each day at a Starbucks about possible career steps ahead for her. She was very professional with a fascinating set of skills. We chatted for 30 minutes and I ended up sending her resume to two different colleagues. It was done very respectfully and I was intrigued by the idea of exploring your career options at a coffee shop. It reminded me of the start of my career, when I had a series of informational lunches, each one leading to another lunch and, eventually, my career.
Yours in Learning,
Elliott Masie
Contact me at emasie@masie.com
Upcoming MASIE Center Services & Events:
* Social Learning Lab & Seminar: March 11 to 13 - Saratoga Springs (Value Pricing)
* Learning Systems Roundtable: April 15 and 16 - Chicago (Value Pricing)
Information and Registration at http://www.masie.com