606 - Collaboration is Hard!, Apple Tablet & Content Changes

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - January 27, 2010.
#606 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,875 Readers - http://www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
Host: Social Learning LAB - Feb 22 to 24 - Saratoga Springs
1. Collaboration: It Is Hard!
2. Apple Tablet & Content.
3. Performance Support LAB & Seminar in Saratoga
1. Collaboration: It Is Hard! As we explore the power, potential and impact of Social Learning and Collaboration in our organizations, let’s not oversimplify. We need to take an EVIDENCE approach to how we best design and deploy strategies that include collaboration. Why? Collaboration is Hard!
Collaboration requires several key components:
* Trust
* Need/Motivation
* Shared Aspirations
* Traditions
* Listening
* Courage
* Critical Thinking
* Time
* Tolerance of Diversity
* A Shared Language
I am deeply excited about the opportunity for us to use emerging technologies and evolving learning strategies to leverage collaboration and social learning in our field. But, it will take time and organizational change efforts to evolve the skill and attitude sets of our workplaces. Lotus Notes, in 1993, was a great tool for collaboration, but most organizations just used it for email. Breaking a classroom into small groups with a short assignment does not mean the learners will authentically collaborate. It takes intentional design and feedback to leverage these techniques. And, please don’t think that giving people a bulletin board or access to their Facebook accounts will yield meaningful collaboration.
We are at a very cool and precious moment when workers and learning professionals can learn about the power and methods of organizational collaboration. Let us collectively experiment, gather evidence and evolve our assumptions and knowledge about collaboration. It is hard; yet, it is a powerful tool to be honored and designed in our organizational cultures.
2. Apple Tablet & Content: In a couple of hours, Steve Jobs will make an announcement about the upcoming Apple Tablet. As we read and watch the details and industry analysis, I would suggest we focus on the CONTENT side of the conversation. What was provocative about the iPod were the changes in how music content could be shared, bought and utilized. It started the deconstruction of the album to the single song. It rocked the music industry’s assumptions and allowed emerging bands to distribute a single song in a new supply chain.
Whatever the Apple Tablet might do technologically, The MASIE Center’s Learning LAB is focusing on how content such as manuals, learning programs and even Performer Support might be impacted. As a trustee of a college, I would be fascinated to imagine students buying articles or textbooks in a totally new model. And, what if a new model for learning content modules might emerge in which a Learning App could be purchased for $1 or $3? Think of developers around the world focusing on ever better ways of supporting learning about millions of topics.
3. Performer Support LAB & Seminar in Saratoga: There are several spaces available at our popular Performer Support program. Focusing on “learning at the moment of need”, this 3 day program, led by Bob Mosher and Conrad Gottfredson, provides practical and hands-on perspectives for leveraging “performer support” in your organization. Details at http://www.masie.com
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Contact: emasie@masie.com
MASIE Center Seminars, Events & Services:
* Virtual Leadership: Skills for Leading Distributed Teams.
* Social Learning LAB & Seminar.
* Performer Support LAB & Seminar.
* Video for Learning LAB & Seminar.
* Learning Leaders Academy.
* Learning 2010 - Oct 24 to 27 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com