607 - Goodbye, Training Magazine; Social Learning Survey Data

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - February 19, 2010.
#607 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,877 Readers - http://www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
Host: Virtual Leadership LAB & Seminar - Saratoga Springs
1. Goodbye Training Magazine & Thanks!
2. Social Learning Survey Data.
3. Sustainability: One Theme for Learning 2010.
1. Goodbye Training Magazine & Thanks! Yesterday, Training Magazine was closed. Nielsen, the owner of Training Magazine, made a decision to close the magazine (after failing to find a buyer) and lay off the staff. Training Magazine and its related events have been a part of the industry and field for many decades. Over that time, I have written in its columns, keynoted at its conference and later competed with it in the event space - as we launched TechLearn and later our annual Learning Conference.
Things, themes and publications evolve as our field shifts from Training to a broader focus on Learning. But, it is important to remember and honor the people that contributed to the development of our field. Jim Secord and Phil Jones were two colleagues that grew the publication and helped to champion the industry. I have fond memories of them, their teams and the dialogues that were triggered by their publications. Goodbye, Training Magazine, and thanks!
2. Social Learning Survey Data: We recently surveyed Learning TRENDS readers about their current implementation and plans for deploying Social Learning as part of their design process. This was done in support of the doctoral research of our MASIE Fellow from South Korea, Hyunkyung Lee. Here are a few of the questions and results from the survey of 781 global organizations:
a) Is your organization currently using or planning to use any Social Learning at any time in the future?
- Yes: 76.57%
- No: 23.43%
b) What are the reasons why your organization is not using Social Learning? (4 Top Reasons):
- More proof of Social Learning’s effectiveness is needed.
- No interest in our organization..
- Compliance, legal, privacy, security or other restraints.
- Not compatible with our organizational culture.
c) Why is your organization using or planing to use Social Learning?
- To provide opportunities to share knowledge and the experiences of colleagues - 90.66%
- To motivate learners in the learning process - 47.98%
- To accelerate time to competence - 44.95%
- To keep up with the Social Learning trend - 40.40%
- To decrease formal learning time - 35.35%
d) What types of Social Learning activities does your organization offer?
- Collaborative Documents (wikis, blogs) for learning - 77.49%
- Internal Social Networks/Media for learning - 67.26%
- Discussion Boards for learning - 59.85%
- Classroom-based collaboration or group projects - 44.50%
- External Social Networks/Media for learning - 39.13%
- Projects with Multiple Learners - 37.60%
We will publish additional results in our future editions of Learning TRENDS.
3. Sustainability - One Theme for Learning 2010: As we start our design process for Learning 2010, one new theme has emerged - “Sustainability & Learning”. Corporate sustainability describes business practices built around social and environmental considerations. These may range from corporate objectives of “zero to the landfill” manufacturing to “a business approach that creates long-term shareholder value by embracing opportunities and managing risks deriving from economic, environmental and social development.” At Learning 2010, we will take a dual look at sustainability. First, what can the learning function contribute to sustainability through activities with suppliers, employees and customers? Secondly, how can we apply corporate sustainability goals to our own processes and practices in the learning and training fields? We will have panels with organizational Sustainability Officers and look at the opportunities and challenges of this issue.
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Contact: emasie@masie.com
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* Performer Support LAB & Seminar.
* Video for Learning LAB & Seminar.
* Learning 2010 - Oct 24 to 27 - Orlando, Florida.
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