608 - Video for Learning Modes, 1964 World's Fair?

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - March 2, 2010.
#608 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,885 Readers - http://www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
Host: Virtual Leadership LAB & Seminar - Saratoga Springs
1. Video Learning in So Many Modes.
2. Video Conferencing at the 1964 World’s Fair.
1. Video Learning in So Many Modes: I am struck by the wide variety of uses for video in learning that are on our menu as designers. As I inventory how we are using video at The MASIE Center, the list is long and growing:
- Video “YouTube” Story Segments.
- Video PodCasts.
- Video Reports - Webcam Captures.
- Produced Video for Learning Modules.
- Skype (on every one of our desks at work).
- Webinar Video Elements.
- High Definition Video Conferencing (up to 4 Megs).
- Telepresence Video (Beyond 6 Megs).
- Flipcam and iPhone Video Clips.
- Webchat Video.
- Video Capture of Seminars and Classrooms.
- Video Keynotes - Live and Asynchronous.
- Video Guests in Workshops and Conferences.
- Video Coaching.
The introduction of video into almost every aspect of our learning and work tasks is profound and “disrupting”. As designers, we must experiment with these formats, looking for evidence and appropriate use cases and examples of when not to use video. Rising bandwidth, lowered equipment costs, ease of editing and growing expectations of learners will make video a profound component of our learning efforts going forward. I would be quite interested in hearing from Learning TRENDS readers about their experiments with video. Send me an email to emasie@masie.com
(If your budget allows, we have a deep dive LAB on Video for Learning in Saratoga Springs later this month. Go to http://www.masie.com for info and registration. Eight seats available.)
2. Video Conferencing at 1964 Worlds Fair: I was a kid when I did my first video conference. In a pavilion at the 1964 Worlds Fair in Flushing, NY, I sat with my parents as we used a video phone to a booth 100 feet away where my brother was sitting. We all thought that video phones were just a year away. Here is a photo of that videophone: http://tinyurl.com/ydzxl9v Now, I find myself Skyping from my laptop and having detailed meetings from our high-def videoconferencing room. It took 46 years, but it is still way cool! (Note, that is not me in the picture —- but it could have been in appearance and moment!)
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Contact: emasie@masie.com
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Virtual Leadership: Skills for Leading Distributed Teams.
* Performer Support LAB & Seminar.
* Video for Learning LAB & Seminar.
* Learning 2010 - Oct 24 to 27 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com