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641 - Memorable Teachers; White House Learning Partnerships; Leading by Listening

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - Oct 4, 2010.
#641 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
55,164 Readers - - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2010 - Oct 24 to 27, Orlando, FL, USA.

1. White House Announcement on Learning Partnerships Today.
2. Memorable Teachers eBook - 5 Years Old and Still Moving.
3. Embedding an Orchestra in the Audience? - Music Paradigm!

1. White House Announcement on Learning Partnerships Today: Later today, President Obama and 5 Major Corporations (McDonalds, Accenture, Gap, P.G.& E. and United Technologies) will announce a new Public-Private Partnership to link corporate learning offerings to community colleges as part of a ReSkilling effort. The commitments from private partners are primarily in the form of providing guidance and scholarships to community colleges: not in donating funds directly to the new national program. P.G.& E., for example, says it plans to provide $1.5 million of in-kind support for each of the next three years to community colleges, including equipment donations and student field visits according to Tamar Sarkissian, a P.G.& E. spokeswoman.

Tomorrow, a White House Summit on Community Colleges hosted by Jill Biden, the Vice President’s wife, will focus on this program. I have invited Kathy Mannes, Director of the Center for Workforce & Economic Development at the American Association of Community Colleges, to come to Learning 2010 to discuss these efforts and how we can better link corporate learning and higher education for ReSkilling. We will publish the formal announcements about this program in the next 48 hours.

2. Memorable Teachers eBook - 5 Years Old and Still Moving: In 2005, we created an eBook called, My Most Memorable Teacher (or Trainer). I ran across it on my server this weekend and was moved by the hundreds of stories from around the world. Plus, I reread my own tribute to Mrs. Ham, my teacher from PS 173, when I was 7. Here is the link to this free ebook:

3. Embedding an Orchestra in the Audience? - Music Paradigm! As we plan the logistics for Learning 2010, one of the most interesting elements is the process of embedding over 50 members of an orchestra into our General Session with Roger Neirenberg, who presents a unique program called the Music Paradigm - teaching and experiencing the challenge of leading by listening. Creating close proximity between the orchestra members (and instruments) and each of our 1,700 participants is a fun planning process. More info on the Music Paradigm and Roger’s book at

Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie

MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2010 - Oct 24 to 27 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: