628 - Talent in Their 20's, Video Storing Options, Travel with iPad

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - June 29, 2010.
#628 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,994 Readers - http://www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
Host: Video for Learning LAB - July in Saratoga Springs.
1. Video Internal Sites: Business “YouTube”.
2. iPad-Only Trips - Lessons in Learning.
3. Lori Aiken from MTV Networks on “Talent in Their 20’s”.
4. Learning 2010 Early Discount - Last 2 Days!
1. Video Internal Sites - Business “YouTube”: As the use of video for internal learning and knowledge within organizations grows, there is a growing desire to have a “Business YouTube” site behind the firewall. Organizations are approaching this task quite divergently. Here are a few of the strategies that we are tracking:
- Implementation of Dedicated Video Site: Some organizations are building or buying systems that are dedicated to the storage and publishing of video. We recently experimented with Cisco’s Show and Share as an example of this approach. The systems provide the ability for colleagues to submit (and sometimes even edit) video for approval. There are also social media functions that allow for ratings, comments and re-distribution of the video.
- Use of Collaborative Platform: Other organizations are building their internal video collections in collaborative environments such as SharePoint. I’ve seen a few groups re-aggregate video from multiple SharePoint sites into a common front end that has a YouTube functionality, look and feel.
- LCMS-Based Video Hosting: Another route is to use the native or extended functionality of the Learning Content Management System as a video hosting site. LCMS and LMS vendors are adding features and layers to their Learning Systems to manage video segments.
The MASIE Center is tracking this shift quite closely. Watch for several new systems and capabilities to arise in the near future. For example, organizations that are using Google Apps will have the original feature set of YouTube at their disposal. Other groups are working on video that will play easily on a wide range of mobile devices.
Note: This topic is addressed at our upcoming Video for Learning LAB.
2. iPad-Only Trips - Lessons in Learning: For the past two business trips, I have left my laptop at home, only bringing along my iPad 3G. It has been a bit of a “game changer” as my technology footprint is quite smaller now. In fact, on the last trip, I didn’t even bring along a briefcase. The two key challenges have been typing longer messages and using Skype Video, but, the gain has been quite dramatic. I find myself handing the tablet over to people in meetings to share documents and I’ve been using it as a much less intrusive note-taking device during key conversations. Of course, one dimension of this experiment is that I spend a lot of time demonstrating the iPad to strangers on planes and in coffee shops.
3. Lori Aiken from MTV Networks on “Talent in Their 20’s”: I just confirmed another intriguing keynoter for Learning 2010: Lori Aiken, MTV Network’s Senior Vice President for Talent Management and Organizational Effectiveness. MTV Networks has a significantly youthful workforce (and audience). Lori will share MTV Network’s strategies for working with “Talent in their 20’s.”
4. Learning 2010 Early Discount - 2 More Days: Save $100’s of dollars by taking advantage of our Learning 2010 Early Registration Discount good through July 1st. In the next 2 days, you can register (and pay later) for Learning 2010, which will take place in Orlando, Florida from Oct. 24 to 27th. Spotlight Honors for Learning will feature learning leaders from CNN, JCPenney, Yum! Brands and the U.S. Peace Corps/Senegal. There are already over 534 of your colleagues registered. Save money and register today at: http://www.learning2010.com
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
email: emasie@masie.com
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning Leadership Academy.
* Video for Learning LAB.
* Learning 2010 - Oct 24 to 27 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM.
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com