626 - Speech Therapy by Video, Admiral Thad Allen and Leadership

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - June 3, 2010.
#626 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,974 Readers - http://www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning Leadership Academy - July in Saratoga Springs.
1. Speech Therapy by Video - Expanding Services.
2. Leadership Impressions - Admiral Thad Allen.
3. LMS & Learning Systems Forum - Last Minute Registration.
1. Speech Therapy by Video - Expanding Services: Few people know this about Elliott: I was born with a major speech defect that required 5 years of intensive speech therapy. So, I have been a huge fan of the work of speech therapists. Mine had to travel to PS 173 three times a week and in the summer I had to travel to a hospital in downtown Manhattan. Therefore, my eyes went wide when I head about a company, Presence Telecare, which is bringing speech therapists and students/clients together over video chat. The ability to extend the reach of speech therapy to people living in remote areas and to eventually use video feedback as part of the learning process is amazing. I spent hours practicing mouth and tongue shaping to compensate for my defect - speaking into a hand held mirror. This is another example of how we are rapidly leveraging the “affordances” of low end video for learning and more. Their website is http://presencetelecare.com/
2. Leadership Impressions: Admiral Thad Allen. You probably have seen coverage of Admiral Thad Allen from the Gulf Coast, where he is coordinating the response to the oil disaster as head of the Coast Guard. I had the opportunity to spend a morning with Admiral Allen in May 2007, when he asked me to keynote his annual “Flag Officers Conference”. He gathered the top leaders in the Coast Guard as well as their spouses for a deep dive on technology, changing generational styles and the role of learning. I was impressed in 2007 and continue to be impressed when I watch him on television about his style as a leader and communicator. Here are some impressions from my time with Admiral Allen:
* Accessible and Continuous Communication: His style and message to other leaders is “make yourself continually available and make communication continuous.” He shared with the team that the Coast Guard was often going to be responding to events that had an uncertain ending and unknown timing (as is so clear now in the oil spill). He models as a leader that you make yourself highly accessible, with media and with partners, over multiple instances.
* Don’t Avoid Details or Technical Elements: He stated that it was important for the leader to understand the detail level and the technical level of a situation and to be fluent in the problem. Even if you are not an expert, your expertise must be in communicating the technical elements to people with a wide range of background. I remember him talking about this when he said, “Don’t dumb down the complexity”.
* Leaders Lead with Support from their Families: I was surprised at first that spouses were in the room for the non-classified elements of this leadership conference. When I asked him why, he said that it was very important for leaders to be able to talk about the key elements of change in our society with their partners and that context for content about change usually flowed from these conversations. Some of the most relevant questions during our morning session about evolving technology came from the wives and husbands of the Flag Staff.
No one can envy the role that Admiral Thad Allen is playing right now; however, we can all learn about leadership styles and communication from watching his presence. I am glad he is on the job! His bio and background is available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thad_Allen
3. LMS & Learning Systems Forum - Last Minute Registration: Next week, we will host learning colleagues from global companies at the LMS & Learning Systems Forum in Chicago (June 10 and 11). There are a few more seats available and there are several additional hotels with rooms close to the conference center. Details and last minute registration at http://www.masie.com
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
email: emasie@masie.com
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* LMS & Learning Systems Forum.
* Learning Leadership Academy.
* Learning 2010 - Oct 24 to 27 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com