659 - Good Enough Video is Great, Classroom of Future Results, Volunteers Needed

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - April 11, 2011.
#659 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
55,252 Readers - http://www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
Host: LeadershipDev 2011 - June in Las Vegas, NV.
1. “Good Enough” Video for Learning May Be Better.
2. Classroom of the Future Survey Results.
3. Please Volunteer for e-Learning for Kids!
1. “Good Enough” Video for Learning May Be Better: Over the past 18 months, I have watched a shift in our expectations for the production quality of video used for learning. Just a short while ago, corporate training and learning videos needed to reflect almost “Hollywood” production quality; yet, recently, as we are more comfortable watching YouTube-type video outside of work, our acceptance of “Good Enough” video - often short, to the point and almost in home video mode - has risen dramatically. Learners seem to thrive on the “Good Enough” values because of:
* Speed to Publishing - These are fresh and often reflect very recent changes or observations.
* Voice of the Field - They often have a sense of authenticity, reflecting the voice of the field vs. HQ.
* Duration - They tend to be to the point and are more likely 3 to 7 minutes long vs. 15 to 30 minute “films”.
* Quantity - Due to the lower cost and overhead, they are resulting in a wide range of video to choose from.
* Rankable - Many are allowing workforce ranking of these videos to allow the best to rise to the top.
Of course, it is key that the audio be clear, the focus (video and content) be high and, please, watch the lighting.
Note: We have just 8 seats left in our May Video for Learning LAB that I teach in Saratoga. “Good Enough” is our mantra. Details at http://www.masie.com
2. Classroom of the Future Survey Results: We are pleased to announce that over 640 organizations around the globe responded to a recent survey by The MASIE Center, looking at future and current uses of the classroom. Contrary to rumors, the classroom does not seem to be going away. In fact a wide percentage of respondents are seeing an increase in classroom demand. But, the length, size and format of classes are changing. And, we have very compelling data on what technologies and affordances organizations want in their future classrooms.
Refreshing the Classroom by The MASIE Center - Joyce Chan & Elliott Masie, Researchers Complete results and analysis at:
3. Please Volunteer for e-Learning for Kids! One of the most powerful non-profit efforts in our field is “e-Learning for Kids”. This global foundation reached over 2.3 million children in 190 countries last year (35% usage in the US) with its free courseware. Currently, it is launching a new project that will offer a complete K-6 Math curriculum. The goal is to develop 150 e-lessons in 2011, and they need all the help they can get! They need volunteer learning professionals to volunteer some of their time to work on these courses.
This is a very important and wonderful thing to do! Each year, our Learning Conference donates $5,000 to e-Learning for Kids and recruits volunteer designers to help with the next batch of courses. They need your help now! If you are a learning professional, this is important work that you can do in your spare time and impact kids around the world. Go to http://www.masie.com/ekids and volunteer.
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
email: emasie@masie.com
MASIE Center Seminars, Events & Services:
* LeadershipDev 2011 - June 14 & 15 - Las Vegas, NV.
* Learning 2011 - Nov 6 to 9, 2011 - Orlando, Florida.
* Learning Essentials LAB - May in Saratoga Springs.
* Video for Learning LAB - May in Saratoga Springs.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com