660 - Starbucks at LeadershipDev, Robots and Weight Loss Logging

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - April 28, 2011.
#660 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
55,265 Readers - http://www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
1. Starbucks Leadership Development Director @ LeadershipDev 2011.
2. Robots: At The MASIE Center and Will.i.am for FIRST.
3. Collaborative Logging Supports My Weight Loss.
1. Starbucks Leadership Development Director @ LeadershipDev 2011: We have two very exciting announcements about LeadershipDev 2011, our new event focused on changing the models for leadership development:
* Michael Wright, Starbucks Director of Leadership Development, will provide one of our featured case studies. Michael was previously the Head of Microsoft China University and has a unique perspective on the relationship of leadership and organizational development.
* Research to Practice: The Doctoral Students at the University of Pennsylvania/Wharton CLO Program will be designing and conducting the Leadership Development Trends research project for LeadershipDev 2011. They are building a set of benchmarking surveys on Leadership Development practices that will be conducted prior to LeadershipDev and will form the basis for an in-depth discussion on patterns and design dimensions in Executive, Mid-Level and First Line leadership programs.
LeadershipDev 2011 will take place in Las Vegas, NV on June 14 and 15. Info and registration at http://www.leadershipdev.com
2. Robots: At The MASIE Center and Will.i.am for FIRST! A couple of learning and robots items:
* Robots and Will.i.am: In a few minutes, I will be flying off to St. Louis for the finals of the FIRST Robotics Championship. I am on its Board of Directors. Thousands of students, along with their mentors, are converging in St. Louis for a 3-day competition of the robots they have designed and built in the last six weeks. It is an amazing experience to see the students celebrate the power of science, technology and engineering - with creativity and pizzazz! We have a special guest for the students this year: Will.i.am will be performing a private show, along with a few special guests. This is a great way to make STEM education cool and kids who are techies feel even cooler! Info about FIRST at http://www.usfirst.org/
* Meet The MASIE Center Robot: We have been testing a video conferencing robot that has remote control capabilities from anywhere in the world. Called VGO, it could allow a learner or teleworker to navigate a workplace, interact with colleagues and do a wide range of tasks. See our MASIE Center LAB video of our new “staff” member: http://www.masie.com/mcrobo
3. Collaborative Logging Supports My Weight Loss: Like many folks, weight has been a challenge for me at times in my life. For the last few months, I have been engaged in a personal learning experiment to look at the impact of collaborative logging on my own wellness. I worked with a doctor who specializes in lifestyle medicine and developed an exercise and nutrition approach that would work for me. The new dimension has been the use of a collaborative logging system where I enter, in real time, everything that I am eating and all of my exercise. I can do this from my smartphone, iPad or PC and it is then viewed by a doctor and nutritionist, who give me very regular feedback and suggestions. It has been fascinating to see how it has helped me to modify my own behavior. Being a numbers person, it is like a personal Profit/Loss statement, with a Board of Advisors watching on. I am now several inches slimmer and several dozen pounds lighter - and feel great. For your info, I have been using fatsecret.com but there are many other online logging systems. I feel great and will do everything I can to integrate this “transparency” into my wellness for years to come.
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
email: emasie@masie.com
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* LeadershipDev 2011 - June 14 & 15 - Las Vegas, NV.
* Learning 2011 - Nov 6 to 9, 2011 - Orlando, Florida.
* Learning Essentials LAB - May in Saratoga Springs.
* Video for Learning LAB - May in Saratoga Springs.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com