664 - New CLO, Expertise as a Word, Ken Blanchard for LeadershipDev

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - May 24, 2011.
#664 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
55,281 Readers - http://www.masie.com - The MASIE Center.
Host: LeadershipDev 2011 - June in Las Vegas.
1. New Chief Learning Officer at The MASIE Center.
2. Expertise is the Word on Organizations’ Lips.
3. LeadershipDev 2011 adds Ken Blanchard Perspectives!
1. New Chief Learning Officer at The MASIE Center: We are pleased to announce that Bob Baker will be serving as the Chief Learning Officer of The MASIE Center & Learning CONSORTIUM starting on June 6, 2011.
Bob Baker served in the Central Intelligence Agency for over 31 years as both an Intelligence Analyst and later as a Learning Leader. He served most recently as the Deputy Chief Learning Officer. His work in learning has focused on a variety of topics, including leadership development, instructor development, intelligence-related substantive issues, onboarding and learning strategy. In his role as an analyst, Bob has worked on a variety of global issues impacting our national security and conducted assessments of potential future threats.
Bob will be working with our colleagues around the world on The MASIE Center’s projects and research efforts on evolving learning trends. Here is the announcement and details: http://www.masie.com/bakerclo
2. Expertise is the Word on Organizations’ Lips: The word EXPERTISE is popping up in more and more conversations with learning and talent colleagues. Here are a few of the reasons and examples:
* Video Connections to Expertise: As organizations increase the use of live video - ranging from telepresence to tablet-based video - they are focusing on easier access to real-time expertise, regardless of location.
* Video Stories Capture Expertise: At the same time, organizations are using video stories (ala YouTube) to capture expertise in short story formats from colleagues, customers and retiring employees.
* Social for Expertise: Underneath the rise of social media within organizations is a desire for colleagues to access the “just right” chunk of expertise or context from another colleague within the enterprise.
* Talent Focus: Organizations shifting to a talent perspective are framing the workplace in an expertise model. Hiring managers are viewing the potential candidate from both a readiness and expertise perspective, including their agility at accessing external expertise to support their performance.
3. LeadershipDev 2011 adds Ken Blanchard Perspectives: I was talking about leadership the other day with Ken Blanchard, one of the key thinkers in our field, and he got excited about adding his perspectives to the LeadershipDev 2011 conversation that we will have in Las Vegas in June. His schedule is filled, so I am flying down to Washington, DC next week to have dinner with Ken and we will videotape a dialogue about the need to take a really fresh look at Leadership Development models and learning designs. I am honored to add Ken’s experience and passion to our event. Join us in Las Vegas! Online registration at http://www.leadershipdev.com
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
email: emasie@masie.com
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* LeadershipDev 2011 - June 14 & 15 - Las Vegas, NV.
* Learning 2011 - Nov 6 to 9, 2011 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com