729 - Open Learning Futures? Opening Up Choices; Save on Early Registration
Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - July 12, 2012.
#729 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
55,744 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2012 - Early Registration Discounts Until 7/15/12!
1. Open Learning Futures in Your Workplace.
2. Early Registration Next 4 Days!
1. Open Learning Futures in Your Workplace: The word “Open” is popping up in the world of learning with great frequency. Open refers to “free” classes, widely available segments, community developed tools and more.
The MASIE Center is actively tracking and experimenting with multiple sides of “Open” Learning. Here are a few ways we will explore several sides of how “Open” Learning impacts our field:
* Open Courses: Massive course offerings, usually free, from institutions such as MIT, Stamford and most recently Google. Learners can sign up, engage in lessons, take optional assessments and collaborate with others around the world.
* Open Learning Segments: Pioneered by Kahn Academy, these are short, free, 3 to 12 minute learning “objects”, which can be used by learners as nano-segments or integrated into a class.
* Open Content Models: Learners are encouraged and expected to use a wide set of open tools, content and expertise resources to master the content and context of a course. The designer is not specifying content - but pointing the learner to open learning assets.
* Open Social Collaboration: Learners access and collaborate with fellow learners or field experts using Open Social Networks. For example, a learner in an HR Competency class might work with colleagues from LinkedIn or Facebook on a key example.
* Open Learning Personalization: Designers move away from tight “Scope and Sequence” layouts for courses and instead build an Open Design Architecture, encouraging learners to master specific competencies, using a personally selected set of resources and assets.
* Open Learning Marketplace: Open Source tools are expanding their role in our field - from Joomla, the Content System of this website, to Moodle as a “free” LMS site, to tools, apps and open marketplaces.
Some look at “Open” as either a fad or as being just about free assets. We see “Open” as a shift in the field - expanding from Instructional Design to a connected world where Learning Designers have way more agility and learners are able to drive the learning with more personalization.
At Learning 2012, Elliott Masie will lead a set of discussions, LABS and activities aimed at exploring OPEN assets, approaches and marketplaces for workplace learning. We are inviting experimenters, implementers and international examples of how “Open” can open up our learning options - and avoid the “Hype” factor in the process.
2. Early Registration Next 4 Days! Save hundreds of dollars and make your Learning 2012 Early Registration before July 16th. Join thousands of global learning colleagues and keynoters including General Colin Powell (Ret), Author Susan Cain (Introverts) and The Midtown Men (4 Original Jersey Boys) at our annual gathering of the learning field. October 21 to 24th at Walt Disney World in Orlando. Register now and request billing at http://www.learning2012.com
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
email: emasie@masie.com
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Video for Learning LAB - July in Saratoga Springs.
* Learning 2012 - Oct 21 - 24, 2012 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com - twitter: emasie