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743 - Sushi Lesson on Decades of Prep; New Learning Competencies

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - September 10, 2012.
#743 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
55,819 Readers - - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host, Learning 2012 - Oct 21 to 24, Orlando, FL -

1. Sushi Lesson: Years of Study or Quick Skilling?
2. New Learning Competencies: Donald H. Taylor.
3. Video Seminar: Social “Hype” & Collaborative Learning.

1. Sushi Lesson: Years of Study or Quick Skilling? I watched an interesting movie on my flight back to New York - “Jiro Dreams of Sushi.” It is about intensity of skilling - as illustrated by a Sushi Chef in Japan, who is 85 and serves only 10 people at a time in his top end restaurant. Interns spend 10 years studying under him.  He reflects a model that learning deeply about something takes time, sometimes a great deal of time. Jiro, the chef, won the 3 Star Michelin Award, and reflects a view towards competency that may be vanishing in our faster world. Watching the skill at which he and his well trained team prepare one piece of sushi at a time - after hours of buying, prep and skilled presentation - is a stark contrast to the fast skilling world of much of our workplace.

Spend a few minutes and view a short clip of the movie at:

How do we blend an agile and rapid skilling approach while also honoring and respecting the competencies that take decades to develop and prefect?  I would love to hear your thoughts about the balance. Send me an email to

2. New Learning Competencies - Donald H. Taylor: We are honored to announce that Donald H. Taylor, a colleague from the U.K., with 25 years experience in the learning, skills and human capital industries, will be a special keynoter at Learning 2012 - focused on New Learning Competencies! What shifts must we make in the skill and knowledge sets of current and future Learning Professionals? Donald will present with me at one of the General Sessions and lead a Real-Time Content conversation on this important topic. Details at:

3. Last Invitation - Social “Hype” & Collaborative Learning Webinar: We have more than 1,700 learning colleagues registered for our free webinar. Last call for sign-ups:

Video Webinar Title: Social “Hype” & Collaborative Learning
Facilitator: Elliott Masie
When: September 12 at 1 PM (Eastern Time) for One Hour
* What are the real innovations in social and collaborative learning?
* What are the “hype” elements?
* What are the key trends and challenges for social and collaborative learning in 2012?
* What are the differences and distinctions between social learning and collaborative learning design?
* When does social and collaborative learning work, and when is it over-hyped?
* How do we engage all generations and respect the introverts in our workplace?

There is no charge, but space is limited.  Reserve at:

Yours in learning,

Elliott Masie

MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2012 - Oct 21 - 24, 2012 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: - twitter: emasie