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742 - George Takei and Lea Selonga - Step by Step; 30 Under 30 Learning Leaders 

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - September 6, 2012.
#742 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
55,812 Readers - - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host, Learning 2012 - Oct 21 to 24, Orlando, FL -

1. George Takei, Lea Selonga and Tech Prep Lessons.
2. 30 Under 30 Learning Leaders Announced!
3. Video Seminar: Social “Hype” & Collaborative Learning.

1. George Takei, Lea Selonga and Tech Prep Lessons: I am in San Diego for the week, in my role as an investor/producer for the upcoming Broadway play Allegiance, starring George Takei (Star Trek), Lea Selonga (Miss Saigon) and Telly Leung (Glee and Godspell). In these few days, the cast and creative crew are doing mind-bending minute by minute prep for the first night of Previews on Friday.

To make this even more exciting, Allegiance, an epic story of family, love and patriotism set during the Japanese American internment of World War II, is written and produced by Jay Kuo and Lorenzo Thione, two incredible, innovative theatrical and technology world leaders.  Yesterday was a “Tech Rehearsal” Day at Allegiance and I sat in the theater (Old Globe) from 2 pm until 10:30 pm as they brought together the songs, orchestral music, lights, scenery and the gestalt of the musical show.

George Takei, an amazing actor, activist and Facebook maven (over 2,500,000 likes) and the rest of the cast were incredible as they went line by line, song by song, scene by scene - working together and with deep feedback from the creative crew - to improve and evolve this Broadway bound show.

My lessons about learning as I sat in the audience were:

* Previews, Rehearsals and Trials are often missing in the world of learning. When was the last time that a new face-to-face course was put through the same level of prep and tweaking? When was the last time that a trainer was told to shorten or drop that story because it just slowed the flow down?
* Storytelling is Core.  As we watched and absorbed the stories from the stage, moved and shaken, I was reminded of the power of storytelling and how much we need to keep it as a core part of our face-to-face and digitally distributed learning experiences.
* Change One Thing - Everything Shifts.  As each micro change was made yesterday in the show, teams had to react and adapt the music, scenery shifts, lighting and the dramatic flow. Often, as we improve a learning program, shifts are necessary, and it is key for learning producers to frame the whole process.

Learning TRENDS readers will enjoy following the progress and process of Allegiance.  Check out the site at

2. 30 Under 30 Learning Leaders Announced!  We are pleased to announce our selection of our 30 Under 30 Learning Leaders for Learning 2012.  They reflect a wide range of learning professionals in the 20’s decade of their career. And, they will be featured and mentored at our event in Orlando.  Meet the 2012 30 Under 30 Learning Leaders:

3. Video Seminar: Social “Hype” & Collaborative Learning:

Video Webinar Title: Social “Hype” & Collaborative Learning
Facilitator: Elliott Masie
When: September 12 at 1 PM (Eastern Time) for One Hour
* What are the real innovations in social and collaborative learning?
* What are the “hype” elements?
* What are the key trends and challenges for social and collaborative learning in 2012?
* What are the differences and distinctions between social learning and collaborative learning design?
* When does social and collaborative learning work, and when is it over-hyped?
* How do we engage all generations and respect the introverts in our workplace?

There is no charge, but space is limited.  Reserve at:

Yours in learning,

Elliott Masie

MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2012 - Oct 21 - 24, 2012 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: - twitter: emasie