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797 - Graphic Recording Remotely; 3D Scanner Arrives at MASIE Center

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - October 9, 2013.
#797 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
56,267 Readers - - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2013 - Nov 3 to 6 - Orlando - 1,417 Registered Already!

1. Graphic Recording of Content - From a Distance!
2. 3D Scanner Arrives - Scanning Objects into “Printables”.
3. Disney Hotel Rooms - Please Reserve Soon.

1. Graphic Recording of Content - From a Distance! I love Graphic Recording.  An artist/recorder listens to a speech and draws a graphical representation of key points and themes. It adds a richer and deeper “curation” of the content and provides a second perspective on the topics addressed.  In fact, I tend to revisit these graphic charts way more than my notes or a copy of a PowerPoint slide stack.

This year at Learning 2013, we will have a Real-Time Graphic Recording done by an artist that is listening/watching from the West Coast, creating a detailed graphic representation that will be displayed during the session - and sometimes even available live to participants on their mobile devices.  Afterwards, these will be shared openly, as one edited perspective of the event.

To see an illustration of our Graphic Recording model and to explore the implications of a distributed graphic recorder, check out my blog at:

We are seeing more and more “distributed” learning and facilitation roles, with leaders, curators and expertise located “wherever” and integrated digitally into live experiences.

2. 3D Scanner Arrives - Scanning Objects into “Printables”: Yesterday was a fun day for me at The MASIE Center Lab.  I received one of the first Makerbot Digitizers, which allowed me to take a small object and have it scanned as it rotated, creating an in-depth 3D diagram that can be printed on a 3D Printer.  After about 20 minutes of calibrating the rotating platform and laser scanners, it was ready to rock and roll.  I took a small ceramic character - about 4 inches tall - and in 9 minutes it was scanned and ready to print.  Wow!

The implications for the future of the growth and simplification of the 3D printing process has huge implications for manufacturing, retail and even learning. The ability of a learner to understand a key object - by printing it - is intriguing.  Check out the printer that we are experimenting with at:

3. Disney Hotel Rooms - Please Reserve Soon: As many Learning TRENDS readers are preparing to come to Learning 2013 on November 3rd, we want to encourage you to book your hotel rooms as soon as possible.  With over 1,417 colleagues registered, we only have a limited number of rooms available.  Go to for discount room and registration rates.  Please book soon!

Yours in learning,

Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2013

twitter: @emasie

MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2013 - November 2013 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: - twitter: emasie