767 - eBook to LBook; TeleWork 2013 Content; Off to London

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - April 10, 2013.
#767 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
55,947 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
1. Off to London Today!
2. eBook to “L”-Book Lab.
3. TeleWork 2013 Registration Open
1. Off to London Today! I am writing this in the Virgin America clubhouse at Newark Airport, getting ready to fly to London for a week of work, colleagues and some theater. In addition, we will be convening a Big Learning Data workshop in London on Monday, hosted by GSK, looking at how learning may be impacted by Big Learning Data.
There are still a few seats in the Learning Directions seminar that I will be leading in London next Tuesday. We are focusing on key issues such as Personalizing Learning, BYOD Learning (Beyond Mobile Learning) and many other topics about what is up and what is reducing in the world of learning. Information and last minute registration at http://www.masie.com
Also, would love to chat or meet up with our colleagues and readers in London. Send a note to me at emasie@masie.com
2. eBook to “L”-Book Lab: Just had a very exciting meeting at Bloomberg in New York City with 50 members of our Learning CONSORTIUM, focusing on improving the functionality of an eBook and how to turn it into a more learning centered “L-Book”. Senior executives from Adobe and Wiley, as well as leaders from IEEE, joined us in a deep dive into the future of eBooks. We will be working on this issue in the coming months and will place all of our work and findings in the public domain.
The thrust of our conversations was to see the eBook of the future as a dynamic container that would include text, graphics, eLearning, assessment, personalization, access to social interactions, richer media like video and the ability for learners to construct their own performance support pages in the process. If you are working on eBooks in your organization, I would love to hear from you. Just write to emasie@masie.com
3. TeleWork 2013 Registration Open: We are very excited about the opening of the TeleWork 2013 registration process. From June 22 to 25 in Saratoga Springs, we will hold a highly interactive forum to assist organizations in developing and evolving their TeleWork strategies. Following on Yahoo’s policy announcement, there has been a rich conversation about the best approaches to develop engagement strategies for employees who are working from the field or their homes. Our keynoters will include:
- Elliott Masie on TeleWork Trends and Distributed Learning/Collaboration.
- Hunter Arnold on HR and Talent Issues with TeleWork.
- Susan Cain, author of “Quiet”, on Introverts and Extroverts as TeleWorkers.
- Todd Shimkus - Chamber of Commerce - Communities and TeleWorkers.
- Betsy Myers - TeleWork and Life Balance - A Perspective on Yahoo Policy.
- Chuck Wilsker - The Future and Technology of TeleWork.
- Debra Dinnocenzo - Managing TeleWorkers and Distributed Teams.
- Plus - Legal Issues of TeleWork!
- Plus - Learning and Collaboration From Afar!
- Plus - TeleWork Tech Lab!
Complete information on this new and very interactive “TED” like event that we are launching in Saratoga Springs is now open at http://www.telework2013.com
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2013
email: emasie@masie.com
twitter: @emasie
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning Directions Seminar: Blended and in 6 Cities Globally.
* TeleWork 2013 - June 23 to 25 - Saratoga Springs, NY.
* Learning 2013 - November 2013 - Orlando, Florida.
* Performance Support Seminar - May 2013 - Saratoga Springs, NY.
* Learning Leadership Academy - May 2013 - Saratoga Springs, NY.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com - twitter: emasie