768 - MOOC and Corporate? Quincy Jones on Piano, Learning Leadership

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - April 18, 2013.
#768 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
55,949 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: TeleWork 2013 - A National Forum - www.telework2013.com
1. MOOC’s & Corporate Learning?
2. Quincy Jones and Online Piano Lessons!
3. Learning Leadership Academy Seats Available.
4. Alan Cumming Does Macbeth - Elliott as Producer :)
1. MOOC’s & Corporate Learning? There is a great media interest in MOOC’s - the innovations for Massive Open Online Courses - where one instructor runs a course for thousands or tens of thousands of learners. I have been a student in three MOOC’s and a teacher/facilitator in three. Now, we are hearing from many learning colleagues about the applicability of the MOOC to workplace learning.
I would urge TRENDS readers to approach MOOC’s as important beta/lab experiments where important and cool innovations are emerging in the construction, delivery and economics of educational “packages”. My experience as a MOOC learner has been exciting and mixed. While there were over 70,000 learners in one program, very few made it to the end of the program and fewer were fully successful from a competency point of view. It was exciting to see how learners could be co-designers of the program and many resources were developed and disseminated from the learners. Finally, there were mixed models of how well the social/collaborative side of the MOOC’s worked.
As a teacher, I struggled with the format shifts reflected by MOOC’s. Were the assignments suggestions or could I predict a level of engagement of the learners? Was the content that was posted by learners legal? Some added video that wasn’t within their IP ownership. And, the issue of fees was also interesting. A free MOOC will get high starts but perhaps high drop offs. When fees were added, did that take away the “open” label? It is also interesting to see colleges and universities that have never made a profit on classroom offerings think they will generate good margins by adding MOOC’s to their offerings.
It is early and really too early to predict how MOOC’s might evolve within the corporate world. I have been advocating that we take each of the letters as a distinct area for innovation:
- M: Massive dissemination of content.
- O: Open content and content reuse along with curation by learners.
- O: Online resources added to both 1 mode and mixed/blended mode delivery.
- C: Course? Perhaps the MOOC might become a MOOP (Program) or MOOA (Assets).
And, is there a competency check assumed in a MOOC, as well as certification or even college credit?
MOOC’s are important innovations. Now, we need to label them as lab or beta tests and gather evidence as we experiment with the use of all or some MOOC elements in corporate settings. We will be experimenting with the MOOC as a corporate model in an upcoming Learning LAB of our Learning CONSORTIUM. I’m interested in hearing from TRENDS readers exploring MOOC’s in our world. Write to emasie@masie.com
2. Quincy Jones and Online Piano Lessons! Talking about innovations and massive models, look at the work that Quincy Jones has co-created for Playground Sessions, which offers online piano lessons with feedback and coaching. It was detailed in today’s USA Today and if you are interested in checking out the offering, visit http://www.playgroundsessions.com
3. Learning Leadership Academy Seats Available: Nigel Paine, one of our MASIE Learning Fellows and the former head of learning at the BBC, will be leading our annual retreat for current and future learning leaders. The Learning Leadership Academy takes place in Saratoga Springs, NY from May 14 to 16. For three intense days, all aspects of the art and science of leading learning efforts in an organization are explored in this very interactive and deep dive academy. And, I have the honor of leading several sessions and hosting the group for a reception in Saratoga Springs. There are a few seats available. Info and registration at http://www.masie.com
4. Alan Cumming Does Macbeth - Elliott as Producer :) I have the honor of being a producer of a new show that is about to open on Broadway on Sunday. Alan Cumming, who also stars on TV in The Good Wife, is presenting a one-man, one-act Macbeth on Broadway. It is a powerful and dramatic presentation, all done without any microphones or audio enhancement. Alan plays all the parts in Macbeth as a new patient in a mental ward. Info on this show at: http://www.macbethonbroadway.com Watch the reviews on Monday. And, I am thrilled to have my bio in my first Playbill.
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2013
email: emasie@masie.com
twitter: @emasie
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning Directions Seminar: Washington and Minneapolis
* TeleWork 2013 - June 23 to 25 - Saratoga Springs, NY.
* Learning 2013 - November 2013 - Orlando, Florida.
* Learning Leadership Academy - May 2013 - Saratoga Springs, NY.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com - twitter: emasie