Guess the Keynoters at Learning 2013

TO: Learning, Training and Performance Colleagues
FROM: Elliott Masie, Host and Curator, Learning 2013
RE: Your Predictions on Our Keynoters for Learning 2013?
I would like to engage our Learning TRENDS colleagues in a quick guessing contest.
We have selected and confirmed 3 major keynoters for our annual Learning 2013 conference (Nov 3 to 6, Orlando, FL)!
Normally, I would just announce them.
But, in the age of social and interactive reach-outs, we’d like to ask you to predict the names of our 3 keynoters.
In previous years, I have had the honor of hosting General Colin Powell, Chef Bobby Flay, President Bill Clinton, Author Susan Cain, Athlete Apolo Ohno, Coach Marshall Goldsmith and Captain Sully Sullenberger.
So, who do you think we have confirmed and will announce in the next week?
Take a minute and fill out our survey at
Your responses must be in by Monday, May 13th (also Elliott’s birthday). Special surprises for those that guess any of the keynoters that will light up your Learning 2013.
Once again, go to
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2013