769 - Defend Learning Against Patent Suit; Google Glass Project; 17 Tony Nominations

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - May 2, 2013.
#769 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
55,959 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning Leadership Academy - May in Saratoga Springs, NY.
1. Help! Defend Learning Field from Patent Suit!
2. Google Glass and Learning LAB Experiments.
3. Wow - 17 Tony Nominations on Broadway.
1. Help! Defend Learning Field from Patent Suit! The learning “patent trolls” are at it again. There is a company called IPLearn that has unfortunately successfully sued over a dozen learning management systems, claiming they have invented many of the core elements of technology delivered learning. Sure, they wrote several clever patents that claim to have created much of the field and, with an understaffed patent office it was approve although there were many prior learning and technology implementations. And, their strategy, which has worked, is to sue a company, get the discovery and legal costs up and up, and finally settle for a fee and stock shares: all without having invented, produced or created anything other than a few patent apps.
I have worked, without fee, against their efforts several times and now they are at it again. They have brought suits against several major LMS companies and I am asking Learning TRENDS readers to help gather any manuals, documents or other experiences you have had with these earlier corporate learning systems:
- Registrar,” by Silton-Bookman Systems.
- Learning Organization Information System (LOIS),” by KnowledgeSoft, Inc.
- Etude,” by Gerald Hollingsworth and GPU, Inc.
- Continuous Learning System (CLS),” by AT&T Global Information Solutions International, Inc.
The lawyers defending against the IPLearn suit would love to see any samples of anything that describes the operation or public availability of these systems. For example: user manuals, help files, demonstration videos, brochures, press releases, and actual program disks/CDs.
If you can help, would you send a note to my office at emasie@masie.com and we will contact you back. Many thanks!
2. Google Glass and Learning LAB Experiments: We are starting to organize a Learning LAB at The MASIE Center that will look at how the upcoming Google Glass http://www.google.com/glass/ might have affordances for Workplace Learning. What if a learner wearing Google Glass had visual and eye movement controls over content and assistance? Hmmm! If you or your organization is interested in exploring Google Glass “Learning Apps”, please send a note to bob@masie.com We will contact you about some of the options for early experiments and collaboration on this project.
3. Wow - 17 Tony Nominations on Broadway! It was a great day for MASIE Productions on Monday. The nominations for the upcoming TONY Awards were announced and two of the plays that we are investors/producers in were nominated:
* 13 Awards for Kinky Boots!
* 4 Awards for Trip to Bountiful!
And, though it was not nominated, one of the best plays on Broadway is our Macbeth, a one-man show starring Alan Cumming.
We are celebrating! Details at http://www.masieproductions.com
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2013
email: emasie@masie.com
twitter: @emasie
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* TeleWork 2013 - June 23 to 25 - Saratoga Springs, NY.
* Learning 2013 - November 2013 - Orlando, Florida.
* Learning Leadership Academy - May 2013 - Saratoga Springs, NY.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com - twitter: emasie