774 - 30 Under 30 Learning Colleagues, Pictures with Notes

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - July 2, 2013.
#774 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
56,022 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2013 - Nov 3 to 6 - Orlando, Florida - www.learning2013.com
1. 30 Under 30 Learning Colleagues - Future Leaders!
2. Pictures with Notes Increases Use and Circulation.
1. 30 Under 30 Learning Colleagues - Future Leaders! Who will be the next generation of Learning Leaders? We are pleased to announce the 30 Under 30 Program for Learning 2013 - to support, promote, mentor and expose the next generation of learning leaders and innovators.
Ninety young alumni from the previous 3 years have included rising leaders from organizations like NBCUniversal, LinkedIn, Southwest Airlines, Google, Genentech, Accenture, Farmers Insurance, IBM, Volkswagen, General Mills, Fidelity Investments, Wyndham Hotel Group, the National Weather Service and PwC. Participants will experience a special program at Learning 2013, including keynote speakers such as Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton, Actor George Takei, Journalist Jane Pauley and Open University of UK’s Martin Bean.
The program selects 30 learning leaders who will receive a deep discount, mentoring sessions, time with keynoters and CLOs, and an opportunity to facilitate sessions at Learning 2013 - expressing their views on the changing world of learning. Complete details and online application at: http://www.learning2013.com/details/30under30.html
2. Pictures with Notes Increases Use and Circulation. There has been an intriguing shift in the world of note writing, which is the rising role of pictures. As people post notes on social media sites like Facebook, more and more notes include a picture - often taken recently on a mobile phone. In fact, over 70 percent of recent postings included a picture. And, the rate of note reading, on both social media and websites, goes up significantly when a picture is included. We are seeing this trend even with corporate notes and emails. One of my colleagues is CEO of a company and always includes a picture in notes that she circulates, adding a visual dimension.
We are also tracking increased circulation rates of notes that have pictures. It would be interesting to track the policy towards and use levels of pictures with notes in your organization.
Have a happy and safe July 4th weekend!
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2013
email: emasie@masie.com
twitter: @emasie
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2013 - November 2013 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com - twitter: emasie