775 - Tired LMS? Oh No; Internships - Wage and Legal Issues.

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - July 9, 2013.
#775 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
56,029 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2013 - Nov 3 to 6 - Orlando, Florida - www.learning2013.com
1. TIRED LMS? Oh No!
2. Internships: Wage and Legal Issues!
1. TIRED LMS? Oh No!: As I talk with CLOs and learning colleagues around the world, a phrase has started to pop up:
“Our LMS feels TIRED!”
Many LMS installations are getting older, but more importantly, are not able to keep up with the evolving nature of learning content and learning choices. For example:
* Tweak Me Like an Amazon Ad!: Few Learning Systems can send highly personalized “ads” to learners - just like Amazon does - letting them know about a short video or PDF they may want to access based on their own learning history, preference or needs.
* Video, Video and Video Content: Many organizations are seeing a 1,000% percent increase in the use of short, often user-created Video Segments, for learning and performance. Few LMS systems can go deep and track usage, departure points and user comments.
The TIRED LMS may not be fully ready to handle more mobile devices, higher degrees of personalization and more learner preference and control. I just finished my blog on “TIRED LMS! Oh No!” Catch it at http://www.learning2013.com/blog/item/tired-lms-oh-no.html
2. Internships: Wage and Legal Issues! I’m a lifelong fan of internships. I was an intern for many organizations while in college and have had over 50 interns over the years at The MASIE Center. Some get academic credit, some are paid, some are volunteers and most get intense experiences and mentorship.
We try to pay our interns where appropriate and avoid the “get me coffee” internship with low learning or content aspects.
There is a high energy conversation and set of conflicts brewing around unpaid internships. Some would argue that all interns should earn the going wage for a new employee. Others argue that the students should receive some of the tuition for credits they pay the college. And, others would like to alter the nature of internships. Some, like me, would like to see them expanded to “Apprenticeships” that would allow someone doing a mid-career shift to work for experience and mentoring - in a fair exchange.
Watch for a deep debate on the future of paid vs. unpaid internships and the roles of employers and colleges. Here is an article from a college newspaper: http://www.elonpendulum.com/2013/07/unpaid-internship-experiences-under-national-scrutiny/
We would love to hear from Learning TRENDS readers about their views on internships. Send a note to emasie@masie.com
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2013
email: emasie@masie.com
twitter: @emasie
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