776 - Learning Marketplace Briefing; 99 Second Talks; Embracing Failure!

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - July 15, 2013.
#776 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
56,034 Readers - www.masie.com - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2013 - Nov 3 to 6 - Orlando, Florida - www.learning2013.com
1. Learning Marketplace - Free Video Briefing.
2. 99 Second Talks - Awesome Short Content Segments.
3. Embracing Failure!
1. Learning Marketplace - Free Video Webinar: Elliott Masie will offer a free, 30 minute video briefing:
“Learning Marketplace 2013”
What’s Up, Down and Changing in Learning Buying
Tuesday, July 30 Noon to 12:30 pm (Eastern Time) Video Webinar - Streamed and Interactive
This briefing, aimed at Learning Suppliers, Vendors and Colleagues interested in the Learning Marketplace, will look at these key issues:
- Key Learning Trends Impacting the Learning Marketplace
- Buying Shifts: Up, Down, Shifting and New Buyers
- Learning Personalization and Learning Compression
- Mobile and Social - Beyond the Buzz on Learning Implications
- “The Lazy LMS” Syndrome - Next Wave of LMS/LCMS
- ReBranding Learning and the Learning Marketplace
To reserve a free spot in this briefing, please go to http://www.masie.com/marketplace2013 We will send you a URL and password a few days before the briefing.
2. 99 Second Talks - Awesome Short Content Segments: As we explore “Learning Compression”, I have asked our design team to apply it to our Learning 2013 format. They came back with a new model: “99 Second Talks!”
We will have several Learning 2013 participants prepare high energy and 1-slide-only “Talks” that will last exactly 99 seconds on a single topic such as “Replacing Manuals with eBooks” or “Working for an Introverted Manager” or A Book That Changed My Thinking About Leadership”. These will be interspersed into our General Sessions.
Here is my recent BLOG post about 99 Second Talks and how we will use this format: http://www.learning2013.com/blog/item/a-99-second-session.html
3. Embracing Failure! Over the weekend, I had the honor of moderating a panel of corporate leaders and entrepreneurs in a session for 70 graduate students from Asia, studying and working in NYC.
I decided to spice up the discussion by asking each panelist to detail the role that failure played in their career and business development. The conversations soared as each person talked about:
* A job that they had that was a major mistake or failure.
* A business they started that lost a fortune and went belly-up.
* A competency they thought they had - only to find out it was not their sweet spot.
* A project plan that was totally off and had to be scrapped or redone from scratch.
The students were fascinated with hearing about Failure from people who have been quite successful in business. The whole room lit up as we openly discussed failure and the positive role it plays.
I love to talk about “Failing My Way to Success”. Sometimes, we just get it wrong. And, we need to have the tools, trust and community to process failure into a personal or organizational “learnable” moment.
Failure is a key element in learning. We want to create learning processes that often allow or even encourage learners to fail their way to success - learning from the mistakes and shifting their skills or readiness appropriately. And as learning producers and designers, we need to see the developmental power of failure!
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2013
email: emasie@masie.com
twitter: @emasie
MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2013 - November 2013 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: http://www.masie.com - twitter: emasie