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785 - Goodbye eLearning? Jane Pauley on Boomers; Wearable Performance Support

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - August 20, 2013.
#785 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
56,154 Readers - - twitter: emasie - The MASIE Center.
Host: Learning 2013 - Nov 3 to 6 - Orlando, Florida -

1. eLearning and Instructional Designer Titles “Evaporating”
2. Jane Pauley on Boomers in the Workplace: Video.
3. Wearable Performance Support - Let’s Talk More!

1. eLearning and Instructional Designer Titles “Evaporating”:  I regularly scan and analyze the various databases of learning, training and performance colleagues. Recently, while looking at titles, I noticed two phrases that are decreasing in presence:

* “e-Learning”
* “Instructional Designer”

I was surprised by the size of the shift, but not by the vector. Let’s take a look at each trend shift:

eLearning: Fewer corporate workplaces are using the phrase eLearning actively. Many are just calling the full range of opportunities “learning”.  Others are moving towards greater definition of the process, e.g. Virtual Classrooms, Webinars, eBooks, MOOCs or Online Courses.  We are using Learning for all of our programs rather than adding the “e”. Ironically, I am credited, or cursed, with helping to introduce and popularize eLearning in the mid 1990’s. But, times change!

Instructional Designer: There are many fewer instructional designers as full time employees at major corporations.  Some of this has shifted to suppliers and vendors. And, some of the content is being curated, organized and published by people who are defined as content focused but not trained or tasked as “instructional designers”.  Some organizations want to produce learning and performance content but not in a traditional instructional envelope.

I have been using Learning Producer as an alternative title, which focuses on a wider range of content elements, including video, mobile and social/collaborative.  And, we hope that colleges and universities bring their language to a closer alignment with the greater job and career opportunities for colleagues that have design and analysis skills.

2. Jane Pauley on Boomers in the Workplace - New Video: Jane Pauley will be a keynote speaker at Learning 2013, focusing on changing roles and careers of Boomers. We (since I am a full-fledged Boomer) are working longer, shifting careers more often, creating “encore” chapters and often returning to organizations in new roles and contracts. Learning programs for Boomers are also changing. 

Here is a great video that NBC Today did of Jane Pauley talking about the challenges of Boomers:

3. Wearable Performance Support - Let’s Talk More! After 15 days with my Google Glass, I am more inclined to see it as a Performance Support tool for an occupation or industry - rather than as a pure consumer product. Imagine a doctor, a lab technician, a pilot, a tour guide or stock trader being able to use Wearable Performance Support: the idea of blending real-time Learning and Knowledge at the Moment of Need. This week, we will be testing Google Glass in the MASIE Center LAB as a wearable job aid. Stay tuned.

Yours in learning,

Elliott Masie
Host, Learning 2013

twitter: @emasie

MASIE Center Seminars, Events and Services:
* Learning 2013 - November 2013 - Orlando, Florida.
* Membership in The Learning CONSORTIUM
Info and Registration: - twitter: emasie